Category: Ned Kelly

  • Ned Kelly as Vigilante and Tragic Hero

    Allow me to challenge your perspective of the once defined scoundrel, Ned Kelly. However, before we begin let’s define a cultural icon. A cultural icon is the embodiment of a particular idea, belief or way of living which one deems rememberable. Ned Kelly is one of the most controversially well-known folk heroes within today’s society.…

  • Ned Kelly: Hero or Horrible Villain

    In Australian bushranger history, Ned Kelly was the one everyone either feared or loved. Ned, a controversial character with many flaws, is a villain. A bushranger’s apprentice, more than two jail sentences, and being the instigator at the Stringybark Creek incident (where three people were murdered) is proof of this man’s evil. Ned Kelly chose…

  • Reflection on Whether Ned Kelly Made the World a Better Place

    Ned Kelly had a belief for social inequality. He wanted to stand up for his right by giving more to the less fortunate by taking less from the rich. When Ned had been more known to Australia, people knew about his rights. Half of the general public who knew about Ned had believed that he…

  • Discursive Essay on How Ned Kelly Became an Australian Legend

    Introduction: The task is to examine the key events, actions, beliefs, and values of groups, the causes and effects of the events, and developments from a number of perspectives. This research task is aimed on Ned Kelly’s life and That Ned Kelly became an Australian Legend and folk hero because he struggled for the oppressed…

  • Impact of Ned Kelly on Colonial Australia: Analytical Essay

    Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader, convicted police murderer, and the face of the Colonial Australian Identity. This ‘identity’ being the ‘bushman’ identity- also known as the ‘noble bushman’. Edward ‘Ned’ Kelly (December 1854 – 11 November 1880) held this infamous repertoire. Kelly is synonymous with the ‘Colonial Australian’ identity due to many reasons such as;…

  • Descriptive Essay on the Life of Edward Ned Kelly

    Edward Ned Kelly was Australia’s most famous bushranger; regarded by several as a hero who fought “for the rights of the battler.” Whether or not Ned Kelly was a hero, however, has been debated throughout Australia’s history. Some consider him to be a folk hero while others condemn him as a cold-blooded criminal, making it…

  • Comparative Essay on Mary Ann Bugg’s Petition for Clemency with Ned Kelly’s Jerilderie Letter

    Bushranging played an indispensable role in the development of Australia’s identity. Over time, the term ‘bushranger’ has evolved, but at all times defined outcasts, yet, attitudes toward bushrangers remain quite equivocal and complex. To understand the beliefs surrounding bushrangers and the perspectives of those considered marginalised and ordinary in nineteenth-century Australia, we must consider a…

  • Argumentative Essay: Ned Kelly As a Victim

    Ned Kelly was a notorious bushranger in Colonial Australia. Over the numerous years after his death, some people established different judgments on whether Ned Kelly was a hero, victim, or a hero. Some people say he was a hero who fought for the justice of others while others say he was a villain who committed…