Category: Mother Teresa

  • Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay

    Eileen Egan Eileen Egan is not very well known and a lot of people have no idea who she is or have never heard of her before. She was friends with Mother Teresa, and she even received her own award for writers every year. Eileen Egan was a Catholic journalist who ministered refugees and changed…

  • Mother Teresa’s Inspirational Personality

    Born in Macedonia (now Yugoslavia) as Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in 1910, Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun best known for her work with the poor. Mother Teresa joined the Sisters of Loreto, when she was 18 and moved to India in 1929. As a novitiate, she was sent to Calcutta and taught at St.…

  • Mother Teresa as Servant Leader

    The principles of servant leadership predominately have the central interest in one’s personal growth in order to achieve their fullest potential and capability. Personal development is a vital part in a person’s growth, maturity, success, prosperity and happiness which is what servant-leadership focuses on. The servant-leader aims to improve and maintain the well-being of people.…

  • Mother Teresa Essay

    Introduction Mother Teresa, an extraordinary figure in the annals of human history, exemplified love, compassion, and selflessness through her unwavering dedication to serving the most vulnerable and destitute members of society. Born as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, she devoted her entire life to helping the poor and needy, leaving…

  • Modern Day Prophet: Mother Teresa

    Mother Teresa is a today’s prophet as she devoted her whole life to helping the sick, poor and homeless. She spent many years travelling and staying with people who were less fortunate. She was a Catholic Nun who later became a Saint through all her hard work and dedication. She never stopped putting God first…

  • Thirst for Power Versus Mother Teresa’s Influence: Argumentative Essay

    Power has always been and always will be a topic of controversy and interest. Some desire it, some despise it and some utilise their power for either good and bad. But what differentiates a person with power and a person without? Orwell poses this through his distinctive quote, ‘All animals are equal, but some animals…

  • Moira Kelly and Mother Teresa As Exceptional Examples of a Hero Who Demonstrate Heroic Qualities

    Heroes and role models are essential into today’s society and play an important role in educating civilization about right and wrong behaviours and actions. Heroes are those who are influential to others within an environment, who consistently finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of impending obstacles that may occur. Two individuals that demonstrate…