Category: Moral

  • What do Moral Code Mean to Me?

    As a society, we are frequently given a set of rules to follow. These rules or laws act as a pathway to help us choose between what is right and what is wrong. Being moral can have severe consequences even when making right decisions. These moral codes or codes of conduct, are derived by a…

  • Spiritual Life and Moral Codes

    ‘Hafidaka Allah’- May God protect you. Cultures throughout the world have generally ruled by one notion, the belief of a higher power. Whether God or Allah, religion has heavily influenced societies’ spiritual life and moral codes. The expression of mystical ideas and practices have been, are, and will continue to be an imperative aspect of…

  • Personhood, Human Dignity and Moral

    The study shows why four individuals, Dr. Wilson, who is on the medical side, offer recommendations to couples that the pregnancy is unhealthy and go through abortion. He describes in his opinion that the infant is born with an irregular disease and the infant has a shortened lifespan. The doctor’s decision was based on the…

  • The Missing Gaps in David Miller’s Moral and Economic Justice Theory

    In this essay we will explore the contention that the guiding principle for income distribution of work should be the principle of desert, whereby the desert is the contribution to the social product – drawing upon the work of David Miller. Miller argues for income distribution to be desert-based, where monetary rewards are provided as…

  • Why Do Human Beings Have To Distract Ourselves? Is It Moral?

    Is it within human nature to distract ourselves from uncomfortable or challenging realities, events or thoughts? This idea has been explored by philosophers such as John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant and Jean-Paul Sartre. However, at this point in time, can distractions become overbearing and are they possibly stunting the progress of humanity. This shift in…

  • To What Extent can and should Moral Discussions in Political Theory Inform Actual Politics?

    Throughout this assignment I will aim to show how and to what extent moral discussion in the form of moral philosophy has informed actual politics, providing examples and an in depth understanding of the philosophy and its implications. The piece will then aim to come to a conclusion on the extent to which moral discussion…

  • Can Armed Conflict be Considered a Factor Leading to Economic, Moral and Social Progress?

    The history of mankind has revolved around conflict, especially after the first societies sprung up. The innumerous conflicts that have occurred throughout history are analyzed and transmitted through generations, which has led to the constant advancement of society. This advancement is due to humans being able to recall and recognize our ancestors’ failures, which leads…

  • The World War II as the War of Social, Economic and Moral Progress

    The Second World War was a global armed conflict that started the 1st of September of 1939 after the invasion of Poland by the German troops. Immediately, on September 2nd, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. After this declaration, two military alliances emerged. The Allied powers were formed by France, Great Britain, United…

  • Moral Panic in a 21st Century Context

    First coined by criminologist Jock Young, moral panic can be defined simply as the task of creatingnwidespread concern within a society through the use of media and by people who hold a high status of power such as politicians.According to Critcher (2008), there are three dimensions of moral panic: identifiable process of definition, marking of…

  • Moral Panics And the Media

    Media is an inseparable part of our life. The connection between media and crime has been theme of many sociological research. Media can lead to create moral panics and folk devils. As Cohen (2015, p.1) defined, moral panics are “A condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to…