Category: Modern Society

  • Different Ideas On Past Life And Life Today

    I have a lovely grandmother who talks about difficulties of the past all the time. She states that today life prepares everything ready for you! She told me that everything was tough when she was a child whether going to school or getting marriage. She shared her experience that she had grown up with low…

  • Prevalence of Common Phobias and Their Sociodemographic Effect in Modern Society

    Phobias: A Closer Look Imagine being scared to go outside, to get on an elevator, or even to take a bite of food. For many people, this fear consumes their everyday life. It is a psychological problem called phobia. A phobia is a psychological condition that needs to be evaluated due to the impact that…

  • Suffering As The Concept Of Modern Society

    Suffering is an important concept in the end of life care which diminishes quality of life and it tends to be widespread in terminally ill patients. Dame Cecily Saunders coined the concept of ‘total pain’ and outlined some of the various physical, psychological, emotional, existential, social factors contributing to suffering. While these factors may contribute…

  • Slavery In The Modern World

    Slavery is a concept that has existed in various forms in all societies since the beginning of human history. Although it has been banned from the past to the present with various legal and administrative arrangements and theological approaches, slavery has in fact never disappeared. On the contrary, the concept of the concept of slavery,…

  • How Our World Is Changing: Narrative Essay

    The world is changing in my opinion for the worse. New features through graphics and history are continuously being created. Many thoughts are lost because as they change, they may never be uncovered. Democracy and freedom are controlled. The climate, as we know, is increasingly shifting to the worst possible situation it’s ever been in,…

  • Are Romeo And Juliet Relevant To Our Modern Society?

    “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Romeo and Juliet in this day and age, is obviously not to be.” William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has utterly no relevance in our modern society. Many may believe this play is the greatest love story in history, but most need to look beyond the…

  • How Shakespeare’s Use Of Universal Themes Still Manages To Engage Modern Audiences

    William Shakespeares’ play Romeo and Juliet continues to engage audiences over 400 years after its release through the use of timeless universal themes. Shakespeare was born in 16th-century England. Living through the reformation and the renaissance period influenced Shakespeare’s’ writing was influenced greatly by his surroundings. The gender roles portrayed in Romeo and Juliet, whilst…

  • Analytical Essay on Counter Terrorism

    Terrorism has existed in one form or another and has been an issue within society throughout history. One of the first attempts at a terrorist attack in Britain was Guy Fawkes’ gunpowder plot of 1605, terrorism existed throughout Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia during the twentieth century and the definition of terrorism is derived from…

  • Problem of Terrorism: Exemplification Essay

    This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of poverty and terrorism in the Philippines and give a general idea of poverty is the main cause of terrorism. The study will provide an overview of the current status of Mindanao. Also, this research will provide an idea about terrorism in Mindanao. Most terrorist activities include…

  • Problem Solution Essay on Terrorism

    Terrorism is a difficult threat to tackle as it comes in different forms and for various reasons. For the most part, it is politically motivated and its purpose is to disturb the peace by installing fear into populations so that they can achieve what they want more easily. Using military power as a deterrent for…