Category: Modern Art

  • Modern Operating System: Concept and Design

    Table of Contents Introduction History of Linux Operating System The Components of Linux Operating system Linux Operating System and Security Linux and Network Support Linux and systems compatibility Potential Applications of Linux Competing Technologies Analysis and Conclusion Reference List Introduction Modern computers for general use have an operating system such as UNIX, Linux, Microsoft Windows,…

  • Salem Witch Trials and Modern Counterparts

    What do McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials have in common? It should be stated that these two historical events share several common aspects, on the basis of which they could be compared. First of all, it is essential to observe that both witches in Salem in 1692 as well as communists during the Red…

  • Contemporary Religious Art: Visual Art

    Art has always been an integral part of religion, and visual art is especially effective in conveying religious values. The paintings by the Australian artist O’Brien are displayed in modern art galleries, as they are characterized by a bright palette and dedication to religious subjects. The artist had an eye for detail and extensive knowledge…

  • Salem Witch Trials and Modern Counterparts

    What do McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials have in common? It should be stated that these two historical events share several common aspects, on the basis of which they could be compared. First of all, it is essential to observe that both witches in Salem in 1692 as well as communists during the Red…

  • Contemporary Religious Art: Visual Art

    Art has always been an integral part of religion, and visual art is especially effective in conveying religious values. The paintings by the Australian artist O’Brien are displayed in modern art galleries, as they are characterized by a bright palette and dedication to religious subjects. The artist had an eye for detail and extensive knowledge…

  • The Tempest and the Contemporary Arts

    Introduction No one would deny the fact that Shakespearean works are timeless. They have survived during the centuries and continue to ask readers various questions the answers to which help them to understand the mysteries of life. Drawing parallels between the works of the great poet and playwright helps the reader to understand the author’s…

  • Contemporary Islamic Art: Hojat Amani’s “Fallen Angels”

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Information Artistic Means Interpretation Bibliography Introduction Today, Islamic art has a strong presence in the world. Contemporary artists continue to explore the line between the modern and ancient as they combine modern technology, political messages, and history. All art in the LACMA is traditional to a certain extent: it uses…

  • Analyzing Modern Art: Works Comparison

    Table of Contents Rainy evening by Slava Ilyayev Thirteen cunny Zyloprim zucchini recipe by Petra Cortright Conclusion References The standards for art changed over the centuries from strict and proportionate to daring and distorted. Today people choose what to accept as a masterpiece based on the work’s originality, presentation, and cost. Most viewers would feel…

  • The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl

    It is rather difficult to imagine any other nice and educative way to spend one’s free time for a learner of art as visiting some wonderful exhibition. So, I decided to visit one of the very interesting exhibitions called “The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl” in the Miami Art Museum. I went to visit this…

  • Pop Art and Modern Technology in Artworks

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion References Introduction Postmodernism of pop art refers to the historical events in the early 1960s that resulted in the advent of the new era of artwork. According to Osterworld (2003), pop art combines high and low art. Andy Warhol was a pop art revolutionist through the presentation of his…