Category: Mindfulness

  • Brief Motivational Intervention: Mindfulness Based Therapy

    Table of Contents Introduction Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) Brief Motivational Intervention References Introduction Substance abuse is one of the leading social problems in the United States. In particular, alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the country. The American Psychological Association (2004) defines substance abuse as “ a maladaptive pattern of substance use…

  • “Effects of a Mindfulness Task on Women’s Sexual Response” by Velten et al.

    Table of Contents Purpose of the Study Description of the Procedures Discussion of the Results of the Study Reflection on the Chosen Article Reference Purpose of the Study One of the peculiar characteristics of female sexuality is the independence of women’s emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses to sexual stimuli. Female sexual response is not a…

  • Mindfulness Practice in Law Enforcement

    Within many industries, job stress and personal attitudes can affect the perception of work which will alter productivity and efficiency. Moreover, the well-being of individuals should be the main scope of focus for managers who want to build sustainable organizations. The idea of mindfulness practice of being in the moment has existed for centuries; however,…

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Intervention Examination of the MBSR Efficacy Mechanism of Action in the MBSR Practice Conclusion References Introduction Mindfulness-based interventions are therapeutic practices that are considered to be immeasurably beneficial for people’s mental and physical health. Interventions are offered individually and in groups, and they are designed to assist people…

  • Mindfulness Interventions in Modern Psychotherapy

    The skill chosen for the project is mindfulness since, currently, it is frequently discussed as a treatment for many psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression. In simple words, mindfulness is awareness of the present moment instead of thinking about past or future experiences. According to Tang, Hölzel, & Posner (2015), the concept originated in Buddhism,…

  • Mindfulness Interventions in Modern Psychotherapy

    The skill chosen for the project is mindfulness since, currently, it is frequently discussed as a treatment for many psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression. In simple words, mindfulness is awareness of the present moment instead of thinking about past or future experiences. According to Tang, Hölzel, & Posner (2015), the concept originated in Buddhism,…

  • How Mindfulness Helps with Premenstrual Syndrome

    Introduction The following paper discusses premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the use of meditation to alleviate negative symptoms. As most women experience PMS for most of their adult lives, this issue is prominent for billions worldwide. The recent studies included in this review include samples from researchers from different countries to ensure a larger scope. Furthermore,…

  • Mindfulness Practicing: Personal Experience

    Table of Contents Introduction Personal Experience in Mindfulness Practicing Conclusion Reference Introduction It goes without saying that mindfulness cannot be regarded as the solution to all problems. However, the practice of mindfulness-based intervention may have a positive impact on stress reduction and improve life quality. This paper describes my personal experience in mindfulness practicing and…

  • Using Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Pain Management

    What article did you choose? The article chosen for the assignment was Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis by Hilton et al. (2017). Why did you select this article versus the others? There are several reasons why I chose this article. First, the type of study used by the research team is…

  • Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy & Chemotherapy

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Design Research Sample Data Collection Methods Limitations of the Study Research Findings Summary References Introduction Cancer is a dangerous affliction that remains one of the primary causes of human mortality, along with heart and lung diseases (WHO, 2017). Out of all available methods of treatment, chemotherapy remains the…