Category: Mind

  • Lucretius and His View on Mind, Soul and Spirit



    Book III of De Rerum Natura, Lucretius notes that death would be something that does matter so much to the life of an individual in case it could be clear that mind is mortal stuff. However, people are always concerned because they are sure that there is no life after death. He argues that when…

  • A Biological Explanation of the Mind



    One of the models of considering consciousness in relation to the body perceives the mind as non-material information and a way of organizing it. A brain is a material object representing its own computer, which allows you to connect blocks of information with each other, which are the main content of the mind. The biological…

  • Physical Realism and the Mind



    Simone de Beauvoir was a rather famous author of feminist literature, as well as some existential works. Her book “The Second Sex” inspired the whole generation of women to fight for their rights worldwide. Her ideas were considered ‘too progressive’ in the past, which is why some men hated her. Even in modern times, some…

  • Mind Mapping and Learning: A Persuasive Speech



    Topic: Mind mapping General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to make steps to improve people’s learning experience. Thesis: Mind mapping is a creative way to organize a person’s thoughts; images and words together are more engaging to people’s brains. Steps Attention. Over twenty-five million people all over the world use a…

  • Aspects of the Theory of Mind



    The notion of the theory of mind, while presupposing that every person’s decision is attributed to a certain mental state, provides people with the ability to understand others. Thus, for example, when one person’s decisions are motivated by the mental states of desire or belief, this person tends to project the same mental states onto…

  • Self-Assessment of Research Mind-Set and Skills



    Introduction In this paper, I provide a self-assessment of my research mind-set and skills. I also evaluate the link between researches and social changes. Finally, I explain a plan of the next steps I will take to become a researcher and scholar-practitioner. Therefore, I divide the body of this paper into three main parts: a…

  • “On the Tranquility of Mind”: Seneca on Possessions



    In this paper, I will defend the claim that people should limit their possessions to be less exposed to sudden misfortunes, made by Seneca in the dialogue “On the Tranquility of Mind” from the objection that sufficient property can repel any misfortune. Explaining his views on the state of human mind and how a person…

  • Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior



    Introduction The three main components of the memory are sensory, short term, and long term memory. In this essay, I shall concentrate on how the information travels in the three components and how the brain process this information. I will as well discuss the prototype theory of categorization, analyzing some of the limitations that are…

  • Mind-Body Problem: Belmont Principles and Future



    Application of the Belmont Principles The topic of our research is the mind-body relationship, and the main question is, “to what extent do psychological factors, and physiological factors influence a person’s character, reactions, and behavior?” The research will be based on a literature review, and thus we will work with no human subjects directly. Thus,…

  • Mind-Body Relationship in Psychobiological View



    The Topic of Our Study and Its Alignment with the Chosen School of Thought The Topic of the Study and the Questions that Will Be Explored The general topic of our research is going to be the relationship between the mind and the body. The mind-body problem is one of the oldest questions in Western…