Category: Military

  • Stress in the Military

    Anand, Nagle, Misra, and Dangi (2013) argue that “military jobs rank extremely high among the most stressful occupations in the world” (p. 1). For instance, a study conducted by the in 2013 indicated that the military working environment was characterized by numerous stressors (Toscano & Roberts, 2014). The major factors affecting such jobs include…

  • The History of Women in the United States Military

    The historical distribution of the gender roles in society explains the fact that warfare has a strongly marked male character. The gender characteristics of the military on the whole and the US Military in particular change according to the internal and external factors. The first one is the structure of the military organizations and the…

  • Tahtib: Egyptian Sports and Military Game

    Ancient Egyptians sometimes played entertaining games to prepare for warfare or conduct war. It was common for Egyptians to participate in a wide range of sports, such as jogging and jumping and traditional activities like archery or wrestling. “Shooting the Rapids” was one of the ancient Egyptian games (Fadel, 2020). Papyrus and parchment balls were…

  • Bereaved Military Children: Group Intervention

    Introduction Bereavement is one of the most stressful events, and it is closely linked to anxiety, depression, fear, aggressiveness, and regression. The consequences of bereavement are more severe in children than in adults. Studies designed to explore the effects of the demise of a parent on children indicate that the bereaved are highly affected when…

  • Military Medical Assets Usage

    Whenever a disaster strikes, it is crucial that the people, who are under the threat of being affected by it, should be able to locate the required resources fast and use them efficiently to prevent injuries and ensure safety. However, it should be kept in mind that in case of an emergency, not only the…

  • Political Issues: The United States Military

    The United States military is considered to be one of the most respected forces in the world. The treatment that the serving men and women receive there is full of respect, proper training, and many other advantages. One of the primary reasons one would want to become an officer in the army is the patriotic…

  • Military Personnel and Psychological Risks

    Table of Contents Loneliness and Health Risk Factors Results Conclusion Work Cited Military personnel is exposed to greater psychological risks than civilians. Soldiers occasionally face scenes and events that are disturbing or implying a great responsibility for the outcomes. It is not surprising that they are often subject to psychological issues as a result of…

  • Military Spending by the Government of the United States

    Introduction When countries generate budgets for each fiscal year, they always have priorities. Most imperative is always the welfare of its citizens, considering that they contribute immensely through taxation. Ever since the 9/11 attacks of the Twins Towers, the budget took a sudden shift, with the military gaining the second-biggest share of the resources allocated…

  • Military Social Worker’s Qualities and Skills

    Military social work is a special field of the social work profession that has emerged as a response to an ever-increasing demand for psychological help for armed forces members, veterans, and their families. Military social workers are the ones who understand multifaceted behavioral health problems, psychological and physical conditions, and the needs of people who…

  • Military on the US Southern Border

    Table of Contents Introduction Illegal Immigration Force Allocation Available Funding Absence of Resolution Conclusion References Introduction The US southern border protects the country from illegal immigration from Mexico. It is critical for the security of the USA because it ensures that the country will not be adversely affected by issues associated with overpopulation and illicit…