Category: Mexican

  • Mexico’s Mitigation and Adaptation Methods

    None of the Mexicans I sent the questionnaire to feel they had been personally impacted by any natural disasters however, the most common impact is getting a flat tire because of holes in the roads. Also, my participant from Mazatlán, Sinaloa stated that they lost their car due to one of the really heavy floods.…

  • Comparison of Mexican and Nigerian Culture

    Growing up my two favorite dishes were all I would think about the minute the sun set down and the kitchen lights turned on. I knew it was time for my mother to serve up a quesadilla with jollof rice. A quesadilla is essentially a tortilla bread with cheese prepared with various spices and vegetables,…

  • Role of Catholicism for Mexicans

    Catholicism has played an important role in Mexico since its introduction to present day. With a majority of Mexican people being catholic, 85% in 2010 according to a study done by the Pew foundation (Liu). Mexico’s catholic population is second in the world only behind Brazil which leads with a catholic population of roughly 126,750,000…

  • The Purpose of Maquiladoras

    A Maquiladora is a Mexican assembly plant that imports materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis. Maquiladoras receive raw materials from companies in the U.S. to assemble and export back as finished products. Maquiladoras are generally owned by U.S. companies that are incentivized to build Maquilas in Mexican border towns in return for…

  • Essay about Mexican Family Structure and Roles

    The term “family’ can hold a varying amount of significance and meaning to each of us. Personally, the term symbolizes the strong bond that I hold within my immediate and extended family and will continue to hold for as long as possible. My father migrated to this country to present his future family with opportunities…

  • Analysis of Symbolism in Works of Famous Mexican Muralists

    Over the past century, muralism, the art of social and political engagement, has become a staple of Mexico’s identity. Analyzing the visual, cultural, symbolic, social, and historical work of the three most famous Mexican muralists such as Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and Jose Clemente Orozco is an obligation when trying to understand the history…

  • Essay about Mexican Food

    There are Mexicans who believe there’s ‘real Mexican food’ and ‘fake Mexican food.’ But the idea of authenticity has driven the popularity of Mexican food among Americans for 100 years. This brought up the idea of installing American-formed ‘Mexican’ stores all around the U.S. But that does not give off a negative input necessarily. It…

  • Essay about Mexican Catholic Traditions

    When two different viewpoints are constantly going head to head, sometimes it seems like violence is the only answer. This was certainly true about the history of Mexico, as until a compromise was finally made, the newly independent nation saw many violent battles over power, especially from the political parties of the Centralists and the…

  • Essay on Mexican Culture

    We can find Mexican influence throughout the city of Houston due to the massive amounts of immigration from our neighboring country of Mexico. Their ideas and products have spread to the United States due to relocation diffusion. Texas has been historically influenced by Mexican culture as the region was part of Mexico until it got…

  • Proud to Be Mexican: Opinion Essay

    I, Rafael Leal, am Mexican American. I was born in the United States, but the blood and cultural values of my Mexican ancestors run through my veins. I feel like I am special because I don’t only just belong to just 1 culture, but two cultures. Both of my parents are 100 percent Mexican along…