Category: Metaphysics

  • Philosophers Views on Metaphysics

    In his philosophical arguments, Rene Descartes aims to differentiate facts and beliefs as sources of knowledge among humans. Since facts and beliefs are hardly different, Descartes employs the concepts of skepticism, the evil demon, and God in resolving his doubts about reality and illusion. In the concept of skepticism, Descartes asserts that the reality of…

  • Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metaphysics

    Introduction Philosophy as a special form of society’s conscience can be said to have been occurred to fulfill the need for people to answer certain questions. The answers to such questions should be able to deliver a complete, logically relevant, and sufficiently broad in generalizations and conclusions knowledge about the world that surrounds us. In…

  • Key Problems With Metaphysics

    Metaphysics Before science developed into the sophisticated form that we witness it in today, solutions of problems that had possible associations with science were dealt with and studied under the umbrella of metaphysics. Before the advent of modern science and very well before Aristotle, metaphysics was the most commonly used approach towards scholastic analysis and…

  • The Limits of Metaphysics

    The problem of the limit of metaphysical speculation ascends to the Critique of Pure Reason by Emmanuel Kant. First, metaphysics is characterized by Kant as a natural tendency – metaphysica naturalis – of a person, which manifests itself in the ability to speculate (Moore, 2019). There are other types of rational activity apart from science.…

  • Ancient and Medieval Metaphysics

    Both ancient and medieval authors, from Plato to Aquinas, demonstrated interest in the matters of metaphysics. At the same time, their approach to the subject and the ideas they proposed and entertained differed sharply. Unlike Ancient philosophy, driven purely by the love of intellectual pursuit, medieval philosophy existed under an imperative of reconciling intellectual teachings…

  • “Old” and “New” Metaphysics

    The main difference between the old and the new metaphysics is in the philosophical problems they seek to address. The old metaphysics, going back up to the Ancient Greek philosophers such as Parmenides and Aristotle, was preoccupied with the matters of essence and existence. The classic example of a problem characteristic for the old metaphysics…

  • Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money Abundance

    The aim of this research study is to explain the metaphysical secretes of manifesting money. Three research objectives guide this paper. They are focused on investigating the relationship between people’s ability to attract money and the law of attraction, to find out the role of spirituality in explaining people’s ability to attract money and wealth…

  • Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money Abundance

    The aim of this research study is to explain the metaphysical secretes of manifesting money. Three research objectives guide this paper. They are focused on investigating the relationship between people’s ability to attract money and the law of attraction, to find out the role of spirituality in explaining people’s ability to attract money and wealth…

  • The First Metaphysics and Current Metaphysical Concerns

    The examination of metaphysical concerns is one of the principal orientations of philosophers of all times, which is complicated by differences in their approaches. Moreover, these initiatives tend to evolve with regard to preferences or vary depending on their focus. From this perspective, their examination through the lens of Pre-Socratic thinkers, sophists, Socrates, and contemporary…

  • Metaphysics, Existence and Its Beginnings

    Metaphysics is a process of searching for the original nature of reality, the world, and existence. Aristotle was the first to use metaphysics to answer the cause of beginnings and the becoming of the world. In the Middle Ages, the content of metaphysics was replaced by finite: Thomas Aquinas thinks of it as something complete…