Category: Mayan Civilization

  • Ancient Civilizations: Mayan And Sumerian

    The Mayan civilization originated from the Mesoamerican civilization. Mesoamerica is a historical and cultural place in North America. It extends from approximately central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. The Mayan civilization was one of the most powerful civilizations to ever exist in history in the region that is now known as Central…

  • Mayan Predictions About The Global Collapse

    The Mayan civilization left the inhabitants of the earth a message written in stone, with seven prophecies that warn us of several coming events, while giving us a message of hope. Although the Mayan calendar culminated on December 21, 2012, these so-called “prophecies” are still to be fulfilled or are already being developed. The message…

  • Mayan Civilization: History Culture And Religion

    The Maya developed land in North and Central America that we know as, “One of the most sophisticated and vibrant civilizations.” From their 365-day calendar to their advanced language, writing system, and architecture such as pyramids and burial mounds, the Maya were known for being very intelligent. They contributed many advancements to education like creating…

  • The Greatest Achievements Of The Mayan Civilization

    The Mayan civilization was one of the greatest in Mesoamerica by far! They’ve had amazing achievements and hundreds of thousands of people living in their city-states. The Mayans even had advanced structures built of stone that the hands of laborers assembled. They created a number system that almost dictated their whole community and a calendar…

  • From Past To Present: Mayan And Inca Civilizations

    Many ancient civilizations have influenced the people and their traditions today. Two of the most influential past civilizations are the Mayans and Incas. Without these groups of people, the world would not be as advanced, or even organized as it is today. Ancient civilizations are the mold to our everyday lives, jobs, and even homes.…