Category: Marriage

  • Successful Marriage Components

    Divorce is becoming a prominent social concern nowadays, particularly in developed nations. As such, people are looking for the issues that typically lead to the dissolution of the marriage as well as ways to reinforce it. One such consideration is mutual respect, which is missing from many such unions. In a relationship where one party…

  • Concept of Same-Sex Marriage

    Table of Contents Introduction Same sex marriage – a review Conclusion References Introduction Same sex marriage is a controversial practice in any society. The so called more advanced societies are now recognizing it as a social need to appease the increasingly demanding people who are inclined towards partnering with another of the same sex. Many…

  • Legalization of Same-Sex Marriages in the US

    Table of Contents Introduction The Debate on Whether to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages Conclusion References Introduction Same-sex marriages refer to a marital union between homosexual individuals. This topic is of significant contention in society due to diverse opinions concerning the same. In the US, the legalization of same-sex marriages was passed by the US Supreme Court…

  • Civil Rights: Same-Sex Marriage in Texas

    Introduction The fight for civil rights and freedoms is something that has been redefining the history of the United States for many decades. This struggle has made it possible for more people to live in a society that appreciates its freedoms. However, the question of civil liberties has taken a different route in the recent…

  • Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality

    Table of Contents Historical Context In Defense of Gay Marriages In Opposition of Gay Marriages Possible Resolutions Conclusion References The existence of same-sex relationships and the eventual legalization of such marriages have been controversial in different societies around the world. In the US, before the Supreme Court’s ruling on June 26, 2015, that same-sex marriages…

  • Same-Sex Marriages and Their Moral Basis

    Table of Contents Introduction The Moral Basis of Same-Sex Marriage Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Statistical findings depict a substantial increase in the number of American adults who support the idea of same-sex marriage. According to Yen and Zampelli, this figure grew from 35% to 55% during the period of 2001-2015 (196). This claim leads to…

  • Same-Sex Marriages and Their Benefits for Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Statistics Regarding Same-Sex Marriage Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Same-sex marriage refers to the coming together of two people of analogous sexual orientations through a religious or a civil ritual. The need for recognizing same-sex marriages has attracted diverse opinions from a wide variety of scholars, politicians, and religious parties. This raging…

  • Issues of Interracial Marriages in the United States

    Table of Contents Statistics and Trends Examples of Conflict Potential Causes Conclusion Works Cited Interracial marriages have existed in the United States for a significant length of time. However, unions between members of different races tend to suffer from judgment-related issues when interacting with other members of the community. In addition to racism that can…

  • Same-Sex Marriage Movement in the United States

    The American dream assures freedom and parity and is cherished by all the residents of the US. With the dream in mind, most people will be inclined towards the support of equal rights for all, encompassing members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups. Asking some members of society whether they support…

  • The Same-Sex Marriage Counterargument

    Table of Contents Introduction HIV and AIDS Diseases in LGBT Community Domestic Violence in LGBT Couples Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Same-sex marriage continues to be a highly controversial topic even in the most economically, culturally, and politically advanced countries. Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that allowing LGBT people to create families gradually destroys fundamental societal…