Category: Manifest Destiny

  • The Obliteration of the Native American Tribes in the Late 1800s

    In the 1800’s thousands of European settlers moved west battling and conquering Native tribes as they continued emigrating west. The Europeans did try to propose and establish acts such as the Dawes Allotment Act of 1887 and also the establishment of the Dawes commission who which tried to convince the native tribes to agree to…

  • What Is It Like to Be an American

    My father used to tell me all the time that he believed history was the easiest subject to learn because history never changes. I would always think this was in fact true, until reading the required readings for the week. History is very important when it comes to each and every person’s identity. History makes…

  • Various Beliefs Concerning the Manifest Destiny

    When reading chapter 12 of the American Yawp by Stanford University Press Edition, something that was interesting was how differently the beliefs were regarding the Manifest Destiny. I felt this way because some individuals thought that it was okay for them to expand to new lands while others believed that they shouldn’t expand through conquest.…

  • The Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion: Analytical Essay

    Question 9: (10/7/19): John Gast’s 1872 painting “The Manifest Destiny” was used to entice Euro-American settlers to move westward in the Americas. What activities did the painting suggest settlers should pursue in these western lands? How were Native Americans portrayed and impacted by the Manifest Destiny. John Gast’s 1872 painting titled “American Progress” is an…