Category: Lysistrata

  • Ancient Greece In The Play Lysistrata And Film Chi-Raq

    Introduction From Shakespeare to Aeschylus and Aristophanes, there have been many films that have been adapted from plays. Chi-Raq directed by Spike Lee was made to be a modern adaptation of Aristophanes play Lysistrata. Using rap and hip-hop, the film addresses important social issues, like Gang and gun violence plaguing the city of Chicago. In…

  • Ancient Greece In The Play Lysistrata And Film Chi-Raq

    Introduction From Shakespeare to Aeschylus and Aristophanes, there have been many films that have been adapted from plays. Chi-Raq directed by Spike Lee was made to be a modern adaptation of Aristophanes play Lysistrata. Using rap and hip-hop, the film addresses important social issues, like Gang and gun violence plaguing the city of Chicago. In…

  • Women’s Rights And Feminism In The Play Lysistrata

    In Aristophanes’ play Lysistrata, Lysistrata- the main protagonist- calls the women of Greece to a meeting to discuss the plan to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata plans to ask the women to refuse to have sex with their husbands until a treaty of peace has been signed. Lysistrata also plans to have the older women…

  • The State And Power Of Women In Lysistrata

    The Aristophanes’ play reveals the role of women in Athenian society how they are always lonely when their husband goes to war for months at a time “We’ve got to fuss about our husbands, wake up the servants, calm and wash the babies, then give then food.” (paragraph 17-19 Calonice). While the husband is out…

  • Genders View On Power In Lysistrata

    During the democracy of Athens, the male citizens held all the power while women enjoyed little civil liberties and rights. Gender roles consisted of the man being the breadwinner, while the women were supposed to stay home and raise the children. A common gender role for the women were also to please their husband whenever…

  • Genders View On Power In Lysistrata

    During the democracy of Athens, the male citizens held all the power while women enjoyed little civil liberties and rights. Gender roles consisted of the man being the breadwinner, while the women were supposed to stay home and raise the children. A common gender role for the women were also to please their husband whenever…

  • Satire And Symbolism In Lysistrata

    Cinesias is Myrrhine’s husband. He is an unreliable husband. It is proven when he asks Myrrhine to go home because he can not take care of his children and also their house. Cinesias only meet his wife because his erection is unbearable. The next character is the Magistrate, a representative of law and order in…

  • Satire And Symbolism In Lysistrata

    Cinesias is Myrrhine’s husband. He is an unreliable husband. It is proven when he asks Myrrhine to go home because he can not take care of his children and also their house. Cinesias only meet his wife because his erection is unbearable. The next character is the Magistrate, a representative of law and order in…

  • The Rights Of Women In Lysistrata

    The question of a woman and the attitude of society towards her is a question that has long existed among various communities and civilizations. Women always make up half the world’s population. The continuation of life in the world depends on women as much as it depends on men. On the shoulders of women, in…

  • Ancient Greek Rebels In Lysistrata

    Subaltern, as described in Spivak’s essay, is the marginalized, subordinated, and oppressed people who are subjected to be silent. The reason for the existence of the subalterns is the social strata between the citizens of a country where authority belongs to a limited number of people. The social hierarchy worsens the conditions for those who…