Category: Littering

  • Persuasive Essay on Littering

    Have we ever contemplated of how our society would be like without litter? We tend to throw any piece of trash at our disposal on the ground not thinking that, that small piece of trash finds other trash which later on builds up into piles of junk. Littering has become common in many cities around…

  • Littering Solutions Essay

    Etymologically, litter means rubbish carelessly dropped or left about anywhere, especially in public places. Sadly, people are found littering the road or any other public place with impunity. Quite often, we see even educated persons travelling in an expensive car roll down their car’s window to dump trash on the road. They do not think…

  • The Problem of Illegal Dumping and Littering, and Solutions to It

    An environment is the green place that surrounds us as living beings. We must for ever keep it clean pollution free in order to live healthy and peaceful life. However, the environmental issues have become a threat to the environment and those living in it. Surely the planet is our home, but people aren’t the…

  • Littering on Campus: The Issue of Maintaining Cleanliness and Averting Health Hazards

    Cleanliness is next to holiness. Going by this saying, one wonders how godly we perceive ourselves when visiting this campus. Walking down the streets and alleys of the university grounds, one notices half-filled drink bottles and candy wrappers strewn everywhere. White spots distort the plush green scenery of fields, these unpleasant blotches are predominantly pieces…

  • Negative Impacts of Littering

    SOLID WASTE The littering of debris on the landscape is the most common concern in tourist destinations. This is owing to the enormous amount of individuals who use the picnic area. Hotel restaurants and resorts improperly dispose of solid waste, resulting in the trash and environmental health issues such as vermin, disease, and pollution. It…

  • The Severity of Littering and How It Truly Affects Us

    The measure of city solid waste has expanded by 68 % since 1980, which conveys it to the present total of 254 million tons per year. 9 billion tons winds up in the sea consistency. Which is significantly in excess of 254 million that is disposed of properly. The site states that $11.5 billion…

  • Posters Counteracting Plastic Usage and Littering

    Global warming, animal extinction, and the depletion of natural resources are among the many indications that the Earth’s natural ecosystem is at risk. The consequences of such environmental issues range from health problems to the planet’s viability. The drive to ‘go green’ is evident in our daily lives, from the food bought to the products…

  • Analysis of ‘What Goes in the Ocean, Goes in You’ Advertisement

    Have you ever wondered how consequential oceanic pollution and excessive use of plastic is?How would you like it if you were given rubbish for dinner? Good morning, the administration of Brisbane state high school, I am Rachel. Today, I will be presenting the most effective advertisement of all, “what goes in the ocean, goes in…

  • The Growing Problem of Littering in The United States

    Littering is a growing issue in the United States (U.S.) that is not discussed very often, it is a topic that is frequently ignored but at the rate that it is increasing it can no longer be ignored and desperately needs to be discussed. Littering is a long-term problem with unfavorable consequences that will not…

  • Why We Should Stop Plastic Use and Littering

    If you take a quick look around you, plastic is everywhere. Plastic could be in your room, bathroom, kitchen, outside, etc. Some of the plastic items people make are supposed to be used over and over again but unfortunately, the plastic we use is only used for a short amount of time before we throw…