Category: Literary Criticism

  • Essay about Catharsis in Oedipus

    According to Aristotle, “ a tragedy should arouse in the spectators the feeling piety and fear – ‘pity’ mainly for the hero’s tragic fate and ‘fear’ at the sight of the dreadful suffering that occurs the characters, particularly the hero. By arousing these feelings of pity and fear, a tragedy aims at the catharsis or…

  • The Main Ideas Of The Poem The Road Not Taken

    Basically, Frost’s writing is very much colloquial but at the same time very suggestive. And, The Road not Taken is not an exception for this but one of his finest works. First of all, it is a Lyrical poem and we find one of his personal experiences in the poem. In the poem, the poet…

  • The Effective Exposure of Historical and Prejudicial Messages Through To Kill a Mockingbird

    Students are more likely to retain knowledge if they obtain it through something they enjoy. Reading an interesting book, for example, is a more effective way of learning than simply sitting in a classroom and taking notes about concepts and events from decades ago. I believe that it is for this reason that many teachers…

  • Essay about Oedipus Hubris

    The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, defines a tragic hero as a character having valiant traits that earn the audience’s sympathy but also have human flaws that ultimately lead to their own downfall. Aristotle states a tragic hero’s fortune should be not from bad to good but from good to bad caused by their own doing. A…

  • Essay about Oedipus Punishment

    Thank you, Your Honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thank you for your time as all the evidence was carefully presented. So, all the facts and evidence have been presented to you today and with that, I’d like to say the fate of Oedipus’ life now is within your hands. Oedipus has been convicted…

  • Essay about Peripeteia in Oedipus Rex

    Aristotle in his famous book ‘Poetics’ describes the traits needed to complete the tragedy. As in accordance to Aristotle, any tragedy is a perfect tragedy when the action has soberness, expansive, and ideal in it. Some of the important factors of a perfect tragedy are Peripeteia, Anagnorisis, and catharsis. King Oedipus of Greek mythology owns…

  • Essay about Oscar Wilde’s Hedonism

    Literature is an art that allows an author to exhibit the undesired primal aspects of humanity. The Picture of Dorian Gray written by Oscar Wilde is a prime example of this. Published in London in 1890, the gothic literature carries heavy themes of aestheticism, the superficiality of beauty, homosexual undertones, and hedonism which directly attacked…

  • Essay on Perseverance in ‘The Odyssey’

    My book was The Odyssey by Homer. The Odyssey is a widely popular ancient Greek epic poem written nearly 2500 years ago in Europe. It tells of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, on a long journey home after the Trojan War. It tells of his battles with monsters and encounters with gods, his son’s desperate…

  • The Main Ideas Of The Poem The Road Not Taken

    Basically, Frost’s writing is very much colloquial but at the same time very suggestive. And, The Road not Taken is not an exception for this but one of his finest works. First of all, it is a Lyrical poem and we find one of his personal experiences in the poem. In the poem, the poet…

  • Essay about Oedipus Fate

    Oedipus’ determination, in this case, to rule, can be seen as one of the main reasons for his downfall. In the story, The Sphinx presented the following riddle for those who sought to rule Thebes: ‘What is it that walks on 4 feet and 2 feet and 3 feet and has only one voice, when…