Category: Liberalism

  • Edmund Burke: The Conservative Liberal

    The Role of Family Social institutions such as family, religious communities, villages, or cities are the primary source of public understanding and the school of life where a person can develop the feeling of love for the country, fellow citizens, and all of humanity. Traditionally, the family is used to be the central institution of…

  • Dependency and Structuralism vs Liberal and Neoliberal

    Table of Contents Introduction Dependency Theory Dependency v Liberalism References Introduction The dependency theory belongs to radical school of thoughts in international relations meaning departing from conventional acceptable approaches. It is referred to as structural because it analyzes the structure of society, economic structure. The theory assumes that the society is economically determined. The type…

  • Liberal View on Sexual Behavior

    The liberal view on sexual behavior comes closest to my own perspective. I consider myself a liberal, hence the belief that all people should be treated with respect, with equality being the guiding principle. Different arguments support my view of this issue. First, I opine that people have the freedom of choice to become what…

  • Are Liberalism and Pluralism Incompatible?

    Table of Contents Introduction Key Concepts of Pluralism Key Concepts of Liberalism Berlin and Gray’s Views on Pluralism-Liberalism Connections The Reasons for Pluralism and Liberalism Incompatibility Conclusion References Introduction In the field of political philosophy, the question concerning the compatibility between two theoretical frameworks, namely liberalism, and pluralism, has been vividly discussed and taken to…

  • The Four Lenses of Liberal Arts

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Introduction The four lenses of liberal arts are used to examine topics from different points of view. They allow one to understand not only what a topic entails, but how its came into existence and why different opinions of it can form. They also help one to form…

  • Britain’s Social and Liberal Systems History

    Introduction Compared to the 1970s, Britain’s social and liberal systems in the 1950s were retrogressive and did not address the building blocks of the society adequately. Hence, the systems to a larger extent, allowed less active participation of women in political and social welfare as well as in the labor market. The systems in the…

  • Liberalism as a Political Ideology and Its Future

    Politics play a pivotal role in the life of every individual, for governments make decisions that influence people’s everyday lives. However, not everyone clearly understands what political ideology they support. In this paper, I elaborate what ideology I adhere to, explain its origins, and try to understand its future prospects. On the whole, I was…

  • Liberalism and Conservatism: Ideological Difference

    Table of Contents Introduction The Kaaba Structure: History and Description Analysis War on Iraq/ISIS President Obama’s Immigration Law Conclusion Works Cited Introduction American political discourse categorizes certain issues and stances as ‘liberal’ and the ones opposing them as ‘conservative’. This categorization remains true for a wide range of issues such as abortion, gun laws, homeland…

  • Sino-American War in Realism and Peace in Liberalism

    Realism: How could a war break out between the US and China? Realism is the most used theory in explaining international relations. It is believed that it provides the most influential insight into the state of war between countries worldwide (Zhang 5). Proponents of realism are cynical of the notion that common moral philosophies exist.…

  • Contemporary American Liberalism: Ideologies and Ideas

    Cold War Liberalism and New Left Ideologies Looking through the ideologies shaped in the 50s of the past century, the main emphasis should be placed on the role of the firmly established two-party opposition that prevented other social and political movements from protecting their rights. The brightest representatives of the Cold War liberalism movement, Arthur…