Category: Legacy

  • Augustine’s Legacy: “City of Gods” as the Main Aspects of His Work

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Theses Conclusion Reference Introduction Augustine was one of the most influential philosophers in the fourth century due to his controversial prospect and his views on Christianity. Marino examines the main Augustine’s works and his thoughts on a person’s will, good and evil, faith, and God. The author demonstrates the main…

  • The Legacy of the Progressive Era

    Table of Contents Introduction Regulation of Business Greater Democracy Conservationism The Rise of Professionalism Prohibition References Introduction Even though the first official regulation dates back to 1887, attempts to make it happen even earlier. It began with the fact that in the 1870s, the farmers’ association tried to establish a set of rules. They were…

  • The Legacy of Florence Nightingale

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Online Library Search Conclusion References Introduction Florence Nightingale is considered the mother of modern medicine. She was the first person to endorse a scientific and practice-based approach and developed the first medical framework that established some of the basic notions of medicine still used today (Alligood, 2017). Her influence…

  • Florence Nightingale’s Legacy

    Florence Nightingale has influenced my line of thoughts as a nurse through her legacy. She was an innovative nurse whose core values were geared toward the development of a nursing program to counter the healthcare needs of the people in the 20th and 21st centuries. Nightingale engaged in advocacy for the development of professionalism in…

  • Muhammad Ali and His Legacy: Informative Speech

    Table of Contents Introduction The Sport of Boxing Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee The Beginning and the Early Years The Controversy and The Exile The Comeback Conclusions Reference Introduction Sports activities form an important part of humanity’s culture and development. Evidently, they have a strong impact on a person’s physique, but they…

  • Classical Strategists and Their Legacy in Business Operations

    It is often said that one must know their history to avoid past mistakes. However, it is also possible to utilize such knowledge as the foundation for future successes. Many classical strategists had ideas that were so revolutionizing that they still lie at the core of many organizations and business plans. This paper will analyze…

  • Basic Writing, Conflict, Struggle and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy

    Table of Contents Min-Zhan Lu, 1991 Min-Zhan Lu, 1992 Lawrence, P. et al., 1993 References Min-Zhan Lu, 1991 In the current reading, Min-Zhan Lu addresses the conflicting idea of language in basic writing. Mina Shaughnessy perceived language as a politically neutral method of conveying messages; however, Lu (1991) argues that this perspective is flawed and…

  • Exploring Dorothea Lange’s Legacy in Words & Pictures

    Dorothea Lange is deemed one of America’s best photographers for her striking portraits of common people during the Great Depression and acute social awareness. However, not many know that she was also fascinated by the power that words hold. Lange felt that words were capable of adding necessary context to photographs, that way making their…

  • Elvis Presley’s Legacy in Las Vegas

    Table of Contents Introduction Elvis and His Path to Fame In the Lights of Las Vegas Las Vegas and the King’s Legacy Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Las Vegas, which translates from Spanish as «fertile valleys», is a world center of entertainment for every taste. Since the second half of the twentieth century, Las Vegas seems…

  • Essay on Why Is Shakespeare Considered the Greatest Playwright

    Shakespeare is known for his remarkable plays and is often regarded as one of the greatest playwrights of his time as well as today. Enclosed in his anthology of historical plays, he referred to many historical documents to gather the information he needed. But in reality, Shakespeare dramatized many of these historical events, which also…