Category: Law 2955

  • Legislation and Business

    Introduction The legislation involves the preparation and enacting of laws that govern how certain activities are run. A legislative body conducts this process with legislative authority and powers accorded to it by the constitution. The lawmaking process ensues through evaluation, amendments, and voting for or against the proposed changes. Ideas and suggestions become items of…

  • Sources and Characteristics of the English Legal System

    Table of Contents Introduction Sources of the English Legal System Distinctive features of the English Legal System Extent to which external influences have affected its development List of References Introduction The English legal system has come to be synonymous with common law. The term ‘common law’, in its usage, over and over, has come to…

  • Reasons for Taking the Law Into One’s Own Hands

    Our self-government system was described as of the people, by the people, and for the people many generations ago. This suggests that the government is in our hands. Given that law is a by-product of government, it is also indirectly in the hands of the people, which is a relative explanation of why it is…

  • Common Law and Civil Law: Comparison

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Origin of Civil Law Origin of Common Law Can the two legal systems eventually merge? Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Abstract The paper compares elements of civil and common law. It gives a brief history of each of the legal systems in an attempt to explain their background. The origin of civil…

  • “The Gita Proudman Story” by Ontario Nurses’ Association

    The story of Gita Proudman, a nurse who was wrongfully charged with second-degree murder of an infant, is a terrifying example of the unfair treatment nurses often get in the workplace and otherwise. A dedicated nursing professional, Proudman faced a difficult situation with an ill and deformed infant on a “do not resuscitate” order (Ontario…

  • Hotel Law Cases Analysis: Customer and Hotel

    Macgregor V beatrice The facts of the case are as follows. Peter has availed himself of a room at MacGregor hotel for a period of one week. On the second night of his stay, Peter invited Beatrice to be his guest and dine at the Hotel’s restaurant. After ordering a meal of Helford oysters without…

  • Analysis of Errors in the O.J. Simpson Case

    Table of Contents OJ Simpson Case Summary Background of the Case OJ Simpson Case Evidence & Errors Forensic Tests Conducted Case Analysis & Resolution Works Cited OJ Simpson Case Introduction This paper presents a detailed report on the criminal case of O. J. Simpson, a known ex-athlete who was charged with a murder of his…

  • The True Obsession With True Crime

    Table of Contents Introduction True Crime in the Historical Context True Crime Media Formats Factors Leading to True Crime Obsession Issues Related to True Crime Content Summary and Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Crime has been an integral part of society throughout the millennia of human evolution. However, it mostly existed in the margins of communities,…

  • The Methods of Acquiring Information in Investigations

    Table of Contents Role of Information in criminal investigation Methods of information gathering: Witnesses and complainants Approaching reluctant/fearful witnesses and victims Hypnosis What to do with information obtained from hypnosis References Role of Information in criminal investigation When conducting a crime, perpetrators can leave signals that represent valuable information being left behind. This can include…

  • Punishment vs. Rehabilitation – Pro Punishment

    Table of Contents Introduction Punishment Rehabilitation Comparison References Introduction It is well known that punishment is the mostly practiced method for controlling crime and criminality. According to Black Law Dictionary, “punishment is a sanction such as a fine penalty confinement or loss of property right or privilege assessed against a person who has violated the…