Category: Language

  • The Characteristics Of Language Attitudes

    As it has been claimed by Agheyisi and Fishman (1970), language attitudes have been the most indispensable concept in sociolinguistics. Ryan (1982) has defined attitude as “a learned disposition to think, feel and behave toward a person or a class of objects in a particular way”. This interpretation emphasizes the positive and negative emotional responses…

  • How Does Language Carry The Sense Of Self?

    We, the people, use language every day to communicate, negotiate, express feelings, etc. We can call the language as a system of different symbols such as; writings which allows us to communicate our ideas when we do not have the opportunity to express in front of an audience. Thoughts and feelings with this I mean…

  • Figurative Language In The Short Story On The Rainy River

    For many writers, figurative language is a device used to make readers empathize with characters. In the short story, “On the Rainy River,” the author, Tim O’Brien, utilizes figurative language to depict the main character’s experiences, inner thoughts, and struggles. More specifically, he also implements figurative language to advise readers about the narrator’s past traumas.…

  • Language As A Tool For Persuasion

    The intention of most media messages is to persuade the audience to believe or to behave a certain way. Hollywood films use upscale special effects to make the spectators that what they’re seeing is real. News use several techniques – such as direct quotation of identified sources – to make their audience accept the story…

  • A Critical Analysis Of The Spark Schools’ Language Policy Document

    There are many different ways in which one can describe the meaning of language. Different scholars, from Aristotle to Vygotsky, have different definitions and theories surrounding the role that language plays. However, Edward Sapir (former American anthropologist-linguist) described it best by categorizing language as purely human and non-instinctive. “Every language enables its speakers to express…

  • Language Policies In The European Union

    A significant problem in European integration is about dialects/languages and specifically how the EU establishments adapt to language variety. In this research paper, I tried to build up an investigation for evaluating the nature of language routines not in outright terms, yet rather regarding their compatibility with the objectives of actors, in terms of ‘scenarios’.…

  • What Is The Significance Of The Nation In Shaping Language Policy?

    In this essay, I will be discussing the significance of the nation in shaping language policies. I will be arguing the point of view of civic nationalism versus liberal culturalism. I will be defending the viewpoint of liberal culturalism, which defends the obligation of the state to privilege and endorse certain national cultures and languages…

  • Language And Ideology

    This paper deals with so many things related to language ideology. The term “ideology” has always been accompanied by its association as it is obvious in its dictionary meaning as ‘a system of ideas, ideals especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy’ Recently, there has been a lot of…

  • How Language Defines Yourself

    Language is one of the most powerful things that we need to survive in this world; without language, we could never be free enough to speak and to express what we want to say in our daily lives without using it. One way we can apply this is by code-switching. Code-switching as a concept is…

  • Does Our Language Change How We See The World?

    Most of the time, we have always considered that the way we view the world is the same between cultures. There’s up, down, left, right, past, present, and so on. But what if that wasn’t the case? What if the language we were raised speaking changes the way we think, and how we view reality?…