Category: Language

  • Language And Sexism In Sport

    There is an undeniable difference between genders, their physiognomy is different, biologically men are more muscular than women as they start to develop muscles during puberty . However, the world of sport is responsible for enhancing further disparity between the sexes. These differences have separated the two genders for decades and is now used to…

  • Does Shakespearean Language Hold Value Within A Contemporary Society?

    Introduction William Shakespeare’s plays are considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. His plays have entertained, stimulated, and been taught for centuries; however, our high school teachers may not have mentioned that many of Shakespeare’s iconic plays incorporate risqué humour, with crude jokes. Shakespeare wrote appropriate to his time but these…

  • The Peculiarities Of Dual Language Education

    Language immersion is widely considered to be one of the fastest ways to learn a language. I personally can attest that it is very effective, having spent months living with Spanish-only households while attending Spanish immersion classes in Mexico. While that experience vastly improved my Spanish literacy, it did not however give me all the…

  • Concept of Linguistic Identity: Essay on Speaking Foreign Languages

    Linguistic identity refers to a situation whereby a person considers himself or herself to be part of a certain group that speaks the same language. Most people become fluent in a second or third language at risk of losing their identity. My linguistic background is that I was raised in a linguistic environment where I…

  • The Mind’s Eye Of Language

    Traditional language manifests essential bonds through cultural identity which shapes ethnic domain and individuality. Communication empowers how ideas are contrived within society because of diversification and its impact on people. In Gloria Anzaldúa’s ruminative essay, How to Tame A Wild Tongue, she emphasizes how language and culture are inseparable and that a native tongue ties…

  • The Evolution Of Transgender Terminology

    Introduction The word “transgender” has faced several variations throughout the years. However, it is solely now, in the 21st century, that this concept is finally self-addressed as a relevant matter. It is intriguing the history and origins behind the term used to describe someone whose, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “sense of personal identity…

  • Effects of Language on Culture and Identity: Essay on Speaking English

    Around the world 7,000 languages are being spoken, and most of us only speak one or two. Our identities are formed by a lot of aspects: by the people around us, the books we read, the music we listen to and the work we do. But, speaking a second language, can lead one to create…

  • How Language Causes Drift In Relationship In Elena And Translation For Mama

    The poems, “Elena”, by Pat Mora, and, “Translation for Mama”, by Richard Blanco, are both about having obstacles in communication, disconnection in family, and identifying themselves as individuals.These two poems reflect on issues in communicating and trying to adapt themselves into English as a new language and in a new environment. Mora mostly focuses on…

  • Real-Time Foreign Language Translation

    ABSTRACT This paper explains about the published articles from online resources that give a solution to immediate language translation in order to maintain situational understanding and information collection. As technology shrinks the distance between nationalities and cultures, language remains a barrier that still prevents a shared perceptive between the pair. This paper will look at…

  • Language Autobiography: Essay on Speaking English

    “Immigrants should speak English in their own homes to help prevent ‘schizophrenic’ rifts between generations of their families as almost a third of British Asian speak only their native language”. It is ironic that David Blunkett is demanding immigrants to speak English, yet in my household the language English was not allowed. Despite having a…