Category: Language

  • How Does Texting Impact The Language Skills In Our Education Systems?

    Since its invention in 1992, texting has become a universal staple. It has allowed us to go day by day to communicate with each other in a quick more efficient way. We use texting to be more direct, or even to let someone know you are running late. Since texting has become a popular form…

  • Global Language: Advantages, Problems And Solutions

    Today, English is used in some form by at least one person in three (Fishman, 1998). As Fishman (1998) notices, colonization is one of the main reasons for being English as a lingua franca. He continued that, from 1940 to 1990 more than half of countries which success to achieve independence, was before British colonies.…

  • Articulating Beliefs In Language Learning

    Beliefs emanating from the social norms and cultural values of individuals have a profound influence on how people carry out their activities and how often they do them. For instance, people’s beliefs on health and wellness inspire what they eat and drink and their behaviors. Consequently, language practitioners, under the guidelines of teaching practice rely…

  • Positive And Negative Aspects Of Language

    Kon’nichiwa. Nǐ hǎo. Bonjour. Namaste. All forms of greeting one another, yet each are intrinsic to anthe expression of their own unique culture. Language is a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, it carries an important social function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. Preserving values and tradition, “Language is the foundation…

  • Role Of Language In Multicultural Teams

    While completing an exercise during the cross-cultural management class which needed us to rate certain factors according to their importance in selecting a leader to work on a project abroad, I had rated language as one of the most important factors that constitute a leader’s ability to be successful. Ironically when we got to see…

  • Identification Of Slip Of Tongue In Language Of The Businessmen

    ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to discover the slips of the tongue in language of the businessmen in their dealings with their customers and to find out the frequency of these errors. Slips of the tongue is an unintentional speech error that occur sometimes in our communication most likely due to the unconsciousness…

  • The Features Of Sexist Language

    My thesis consists of explaining how sexist language affects us in our society and which initiatives we can follow to use a proper language. How can we first talk about equality when there are words that are harmful to us? To begin with, I would like to clarify the aim of sexism. Sexism implicates prejudice…

  • Logical Argumentation Enhancing Higher Order Language Skills And Logical Thinking

    An argument is a valid product of argumentative reasoning consisting of at least one claim and one premise. It is the process by which many claims are offered based on premises and one reaches a conclusion that is relevant and provides good grounds. Argumentation is the process by which arguments are dialogically and dialectically constructed.…

  • In What Sorts Of Situations Can Language Be Considered An Action?

    Language, commonly seen as a particular psychological or behavioural phenomenon, with a conceptual status comparable to other phenomena, such as learning and thinking. Subsequently, this essay will argue that language avoids the psychological condition and represents the functional aspects in which behaviour emerges and becomes action. This paper elucidates the foundations of this pragmatic speech…

  • The Impact Of Television And Texting On The Language Development Of Children

    Text messaging is one example of interpersonal communication. People nowadays use interpersonal communication most of their time to communicate. Teenagers use text messaging as their number one way of communicating with their friends, family and even other people. The researcher decided to investigate on how text messaging influences teenager’s use of grammar and whether this…