Category: Langston Hughes

  • Mother to Son: Essay

    Langston Hughes, an influential literary artist, “explore[d] the lives of African-Americans” during the Harlem Renaissance (“Mother to Son” 177). Because he was black himself, Hughes could write about his first-hand experience of “the tacks and splinters” associated with discrimination, and provide the privileged with his perspective (Miller 432). Hughes reveals the impediments blacks faced by…

  • The Beauty of Langston Hughes: Poetry Analysis

    Langston Hughes, the famous poet of the Harlem Renaissance Era. Born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902 and passing in 1967. Hughes was not only a poet, he also wrote short stories, novels, and even some plays. During his time alive he was a powerful African American activist for racial justice in majority black cities, for…

  • Vagabonds by Langston Hughes and The Message by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five: Comparative Essay

    Literature is the art or work of expressing thoughts or feelings in language. Examples of literature include poetry, drama, non-fiction, fiction, etc. Do you ever notice that a myriad of literary works conveys ideas that are universal, though the works set in particular place and time? Two literary works to compare are ‘Vagabonds’ by Langston…

  • Bellowing Out For Non-Discrimination In I, Too By Langston Hughes

    Abstract Literature is a word that had reflected an interest in the world of reality as well as imagination. In the term subaltern describes the lower social classes and the other social groups displaced to the margins of a society in social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalized…