Category: Kindness

  • Act of Kindness Essay

    Introduction “Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time you were kind to another person. Call to mind their reaction and how you responded. Move into your heart and notice the feelings there.” — Tony Fahkry To be kind is probably the most important…

  • The Meaning Of Kindness

    Kindness is one short word but associated with many positive traits. Being generous, helpful, hospitable, considerate, polite, compassionate, thoughtful, and having affection are associated with kindness. All of us learned this virtue in different places like in school, in church, and inside our home. Many people teach us how to be kind and how to…

  • The Features Of Kindness Quality

    Kindness is a virtue that these days is seldom found. These days, people are so busy fulfilling their own wants and needs that they ignore those of others. For the rest, being kind to others is out of the question. Kindness is the quality of being respectful to others and considerate. It is a quality…

  • Kindness: A Pillar of American Values

    Kindness, a virtue often described as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, transcends borders, cultures, and languages. The universal dialect of compassion, understanding, and empathy binds humanity together. While seemingly simple, the essence of kindness is profound and potent enough to inspire change and foster unity. Kindness forms an integral part of the…

  • Creating A Kindness Society

    In today’s modern society the connection between humans is fading away faster and faster and will probably be gone in about 45 years to come if nothing changes. People no longer feel the need to know the person right next to them or talk to others during their free time. This disconnection is caused by…

  • Random Acts of Kindness Make Our Society Better: Persuasive Essay

    Truth and kindness, bothering people? Yes! It is true. Have you ever seen people who are making videos of someone being beaten? Those people are bothered by the truth and avoid doing kindness. Once Mother Teresa said, and I quote, “It is a kindly act to assist the fallen”. This quote tells us that we…