Category: Juvenile Delinquency

  • Mentoring Dad on Call: Juvenile Delinquency

    It is essential to start the youth organization in view of the increasing incidents of juvenile delinquencies which need to be tackled effectively in reforming children with such tendencies. The concept of Mentoring Dad is in keeping with the true spirit of being a mentor for all and a dad for many as introduced by…

  • Supportive School Discipline Initiative: Addressing the Problem of High Juvenile Delinquency Rates

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Purpose and Implementation of the Initiative References Introduction Supportive School Discipline Initiative (SSDI) is a project of the US Department of Education and the Department of Justice, which aimed at preventing the implementation of school disciplinary practices that contributed to students’ delinquency. The project took place between 2011 and 2016…

  • Juvenile Delinquency and Punishment

    Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of the topical theme of juvenile delinquency and punishments provided to young offenders. The modern justice system considers this group to be more vulnerable and important for society and provides an altered approach to sentencing. However, this perspective might be considered unfair by adult criminals. In…

  • Why Does Juvenile Delinquency Occur

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Democracy is a process that ensures all citizens of a country get fair treatment from the judicial system. This means that there are no double standards when it comes to punishing individuals who have broken laws and thus committed crimes. The law is a double-edged sword…

  • Juvenile Delinquency in U.S.

    Milwaukee— A Milwaukee teenager is accused of strangling his girlfriend after the two watched a movie about a murder spree. The Gist of the Article The news about a teen being accused of strangulating his girlfriend allegedly due to the influence of his favorite movie ‘Natural Born Killers’, posted by Foxnews on their website on…

  • System and Theory Evaluation for Juvenile Delinquency

    Introduction Youth have been committing crimes that have been noticed by researchers, the media, policymakers, and the judiciary; these crimes of violence have been producing disastrous effects in society. Children younger than 18 years are being punished for surprising crimes like “robbery, forced rape, assault, and homicide”. Risk factors and protective ones have been identified…

  • Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Control

    These days, juvenile delinquency presents a topic of multiple discussions. Researchers are extremely interested in exploring the reasons, which are highly likely to prompt a teenager to commit a crime. Robert Agnew and Timothy Brezina (2017) have introduced a General Theory of delinquency, which involves observing the major direct causes of determination to take illegal…

  • Juvenile Delinquency: The Marginalized Youths

    Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used to describe children or adolescent behavior that would otherwise be termed as criminal in a court of law if done by adults. Oxford dictionary defines a delinquency as “bad or criminal behavior usually committed by young people”. The age limit that defines a juvenile varies from one…

  • Intervention Plans in Juvenile Delinquency

    Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a phenomenon that has for long been difficult for behavioral specialists to handle. Some specialists have argued that it is caused by child abuse while others argue that child abuse is not reason enough to be linked with juvenile delinquency. Some sociologists have indicated that a combination of socio-economic factors and…

  • Juvenile Delinquency and Punishment

    In modern society, the punishment for criminals varies according to their age. Juvenile offenders can be subject to different types of punishment than those applied to adults. The general consensus is that young people have a greater chance of rehabilitation than adult criminals, thus, their punishment should be more lenient. In fact, offenses committed by…