Category: Judaism

  • Abraham in the Old Testament and Early Judaism

    Introduction Abraham was born in Ur, Mesopotamia, at the start of the second millennium. His father, Terah, raised Abraham when Mesopotamia was a highly developed ancient world. Before his calling, Abraham was known as Abram, and he was an idol worshipper. God appeared to Abraham and commanded him to move to a new promised land.…

  • Researching of Religion: Judaism

    Table of Contents Introduction Concept of Linear Time Connection with the Real World Differences from Christianity Conclusion Introduction Judaism is an ancient religion that preaches faith in one and only God. The peculiarity of Judaism is that this faith is accepted by only one people – Jews. The word Jew originates in the term Avar,…

  • “Chosenness” in Judaism Religion

    In the religion of Judaism, there is a concept of “chosenness” – the belief that Jewish people are chosen to be the only nation worthy of being in a covenant with God. A covenant is a special kind of relationship with the Lord. In the Hebrew Bible, it is unclear why exactly Jewish people are…

  • Pharisees and Sadducees in Judaism

    The variant was essential as it preserved and conveyed Judaism based on the flexibility of how the Jewish scriptural interpretation creates change in the face of changing historical circumstances. Most of these accusers were devoted to different spiritual levels leading towards subsequent change in Jewish history. Pharisees and Sadducees believed in the oral law, which…

  • Conversion of Klemperer to Judaism

    Table of Contents Klemperer’s View of Judaism Klemperer’s Critical Analysis of Jews and Jewishness Klemperer’s Sense of Self Changed Conclusion Work Cited Klemperer’s diary is one of the most important accounts of German life during the Nazi period. It provides a vivid account of daily life in Nazi Germany, including the way people lived, thought…

  • Sabbat: The Most Valuable Day of the Week in Judaism

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction Burnout can become a problem for all people, regardless of what field of human activity they are engaged in. This critical issue requires special attention, as it can significantly affect both the professional and personal spheres of life. Hence, for pastors in Judaism, there is a Sabbath,…

  • Bar Mitzvah: The Ritual of Judaism

    Table of Contents The Ritual Description Type of Ritual and Specific Roles Meaning-Making Works Cited The Ritual Description The moment of transition from childhood to adulthood is celebrated in numerous religions. Every religion determines coming of age differently and puts specific criteria for adulthood. The concept of spiritual adulthood depends on how individual perceives themselves…

  • Second Temple Judaism: Contradictions and Unity

    The Second Temple Period of the Jewish history is characterized by three major crises the Jewish people struggled. They were caused by social, religious and political contradictions. The major sects, which are Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes were formed during this period. The beginning of the period is characterized by the fact that a temple has…

  • Judaism, Its Tradition and Artifacts

    Table of Contents Introduction The Role of Torah in the Life of the Jewish Community The Role of Faith in Judaism and Within the Jewish Community The Relationship Between the Oral Torah and the Written Torah The Significance of the Shema for the Jewish People The Relationship Between Shema and the Kingdom of Heaven Conclusion…

  • Moses Mendelssohn and Saul Ascher on Judaism

    Moses Mendelssohn is one of the central figures in developing the historical understanding of Jewish thought. He was harshly criticized for his unique opinion – synthesis of Jewish and Christian postulates – and active involvement in emancipation. Nevertheless, regardless of criticism, his peculiar stance was used for defending Judaism. To build a bridge between the…