Category: Journalism

  • “How to Make Hard Facts Easy to Read” by Roy Peter Clark

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Mass media and journalism are key bodies as the dissemination of information to the public are concerned. Several bodies, including the government, depend on mass media to convey vital messages to a vast population. Therefore, mass media refers to a diverse array of technologies used to…

  • Labor Movement Highlighted in Newspaper Articles

    The article “Age of the Workingman,” published in The Kansas City Journal on September 2, 1895, depicts the labor problem as reflected in the speech given by Rev. Charles L. Kloss (3). Kloss makes a reference to Gladstone who said that the 19th century was the “Age of the Workingman” (“Age of the Workingman” 3).…

  • Traditional and a New Media in the United States

    Introduction Journalism is a critical field that plays a positive role in determining events and topics that policymakers and citizens should discuss and guide social or political issues. This paper presents a case study of news coverage of the same issue by a traditional and a new media organization. The lessons gained from the analysis…

  • Danger to Be a Journalist

    When the internet was first conceived, one of the things it was deemed useful for was as a revolutionary method of easily acquiring information from sources around the world without having to leave the comfort of your home for a trip to the library. Over time, the information is added and the method by which…

  • Citizen Journalism vs. Journalism and Technologies

    With the rapid development of modern technologies and shifts in categories and roles a new term ‘citizen journalism’ has appeared. According to the new broadened concepts of journalism and news Twitter provides an opportunity to fulfill the roles of citizen journalists in the democratic society. The term ‘citizen journalism’ involves new categories of population in…

  • Interviews With L.A. Residents

    Preface Up until recently, I was convinced that the overwhelming majority of L.A. residents are absolutely thrilled to live in the city, which is often associated with the very essence of the so-called “American dream”. Prior to conducting the following set of interviews, it would never occur to me that living in L.A. is being…

  • Muckraking: Sinclair and Riis Impact

    Muckraking in the historical context Muckraking is simply investigative journalism with a leaning towards exposing corruption in government and institutions involving public trust. It is also associated with revolutionary ideas and concerns of reform in government and public institutions. Originally, the term ‘Muckrakers’ was coined to refer to American writers involved in reform literature in…

  • Media Bias in Articles on Drought in Africa

    The articles that are reviewed in this essay are related to droughts in Africa in 2009. The articles are about the recent discovery by scientists about the incidence of drought in the African continent which shows that the continent has a history of droughts in Africa in the Sahel region is due to climate cycles.…

  • Framing in Media and Reporting

    Media framing is one of the tools that journalists actively use to cover publicly significant topics. Dan and Raupp (2018) underline that framing theory states “that communication is characterized by the articulation of coherent patterns of meaning resulting out of acts of selection and emphasis” (p. 205). In particular, framing theory arose from the observation…

  • The Work of a Journalist During Investigation

    Nowadays, journalists are no longer regarded as neutral entities; hence, it is not a wonder that respondents are unwilling to provide information. Moreover, grabbing the attention of the editor Zach was not easy; I pitched five times before I could receive his response though Collins’ advice was helpful. Even though the story is sensitive as…