Category: Jesus Christ

  • Principle of Utility and Golden Rule of Jesus

    Table of Contents Principle of Utility Higher and Lower Pleasures Mill’s Empirical Method The golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth Discrimination in the workplace Reference Principle of Utility The principle of utility represents behaviors or actions that are either approved or discredited as per the degree of their benefit. It is one of the major…

  • Comparative Analysis of Socrates and Jesus of Nazareth

    Socrates and Jesus of Nazareth are very similar characters that can be both perceived as prophets from different perspectives. Socrates and Jesus were significant and powerful figures due to the divine strength they obtained (Wright 374). Socrates was told by an oracle that he was the wisest of men and, thus, he was determined to…

  • Role of Jesus Christ in Religion

    Jesus Christ is a prophet and religious leader, who founded Christianity. He is known as the Son of God, a part of the Holy Trinity in some denominations, or otherwise a physical incarnation of God. Based on Old Testament teachings, he is also the Jewish Messiah, a liberator of the Jewish people, which gave birth…

  • How Jesus Would Fit in Today’s Society

    Introduction Religion constantly confronts contemporary culture and phenomena, either positively interacting with them or conversely coming into conflict with them. This relationship is based on the principles that faith erects around itself, so the potential relationship of Jesus as the One God with modernity is of interest. His relationship with modernity can be made up…

  • Jesus’ Teaching About the Kingdom and About Himself

    Table of Contents Introduction Sermon on the Mount Erroneous understanding of the Old Testament Continuance of the law Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Faith and religion are very personal concerns that could be treated in different ways depending on what a person wants to see, understand, and believe in. That is why there have always been…

  • Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew

    Introduction The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament. It tells about the life of Jesus and His teachings. In particular, Chapters 24 and 25 contain some of the stories told by Him. In this paper, we, utilizing the questions offered in Duvall and Hays’s book (Duvall & Hays, 2008, p.…

  • The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus Christ’s Thinking

    The first chapters of the Gospel of Mathew in the New Testament relate an account of how Jesus Christ has begun his earthly ministry to people. In this paper, chapters 3, 4, and 5 will be observed in detail with an objective to narrate my insights into Jesus’ thinking as he moved from baptism to…

  • Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

    The book Jesus and the Disinherited written by Howard Thurman is devoted to the religious and race aspects and their positions in the modern world. The work discloses the main sides if the biblical positions and gives an opportunity to evaluate the level of racism, the relation of the poor and oppressed people to the…

  • Jesus Christ in “Resurrected as Messiah” by Ortlund

    Table of Contents Introduction and Brief Summary Critical Interaction Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction and Brief Summary Much attention is paid to the topic of Christ’s resurrection, and many discussions are developed on the idea of the justification of the events that occurred on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning when Christ’s believers and supporters had to…

  • The Deity of Jesus Christ in New Testament

    Introduction God calls himself the “I Am” in various parts of the bible. God reveals himself to people as a person who comes to redeem them from exile and revert them into a new form of life with eternity. The outlook of God’s name reveals him and what he looks like. All the Bible statements…