Category: Islam

  • The Ambivalence of Religion: Competing over Islam

    Religion has been a fundamental component of human civilization in all locations and eras and continues to be so throughout our society. Religion’s role is often perceived as a duty to foster unity and harmony among the peoples of the globe rather than to be a source of division and warfare. However, one cannot deny…

  • Why Women in Islam Have to Be Modest

    On the excuse of Islamic modesty, women in several Muslim-majority countries (MMCs) are still subjected to gender segregation and mobility restrictions to varying degrees. In its current form, the idea of modesty appears to prevent Muslim women from participating in public life and other activities. This essay examines the religious justifications for wearing clothing that…

  • The Islamic Religion, Beliefs, and Practices

    Islam represents a universal monotheistic religion widespread in the Muslim world. Consisting of the Sunni and Shia movements, Islam traces back to the seventh century of our era when Prophet Mohammad’s first revelation took place (Salvatore et al., 2018). Islamic historians single out the High Caliphate era, the Early and then Later Middle periods, and…

  • Islam and Women’s Rights in Iran After 1979

    Table of Contents Introduction Islamization of the State: Iran Islamic Feminism Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Islam is one of the major religions around the world that have shaped moral values and other social issues such as women’s rights. Some countries such as Iran underwent a religious revolution that determined their internal affairs and socialization. Islamization…

  • Middle Eastern Women’s Place in Islam

    Long-standing controversy surrounds the place of women in Islam. Muslims have frequently been seen as oppressed and inferior by non-Muslims. Additionally, while most practicing Muslim women appeared secure in their clearly defined responsibilities of being engaged and showing perfect obedience, rearing morally upright children, and caring for the family, other Muslim women wished for a…

  • The Origins and Spread of Islam

    Islam is one of the world’s most famous and influential religions and the second largest one. Scholars state that its creation happened in the seventh century, which makes Muslim belief one of the youngest religions in history. Muslims worship one God, which they call Allah in Arabic, and live their life in complete obedience and…

  • Islam and Politics’ Relations

    Table of Contents Introduction Jurists and the Interpretation of Islamic Law Orders of Sufis and the Search for Political Power Modern Islamists and Radical Fundamentalism Concluding Remarks Works Cited Introduction The topic of interrelations between Islam and politics has been subjected to extensive research in the past few decades due to the complications in the…

  • The Perception of the Nation of Islam in “The Fire Next Time” by Baldwin

    Introduction Religion is an essential element of many cultures and countries that often determines the attitudes of the general population toward specific questions, behaviors, or social structures. Authors sometimes exploit religion as a tool for elucidating a particular problem. For example, James Baldwin views anger and racial discrimination through the lens of the Christian Church…

  • Aspects of Islam and the Quran

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Quran is a sacred text that is followed by Muslims around the world. During ancient times, it promoted polygyny, men, and women being equal in Allah’s eyes, and marriage for procreation. However, it restricted the number of wives to four, demanding the husband treat them…

  • Iran: Islamic Governance in Action

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Iran is a large country populated by over 70 million people. The ancestors of the modern Iranians entered the territory of the country in nearly 900 BC. Currently, its population includes diverse cultural and ethnic groups – Persians constitute the majority population that dominates in multiple…