Category: IPhone

  • IPhone 12 Mini Product Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Target Customers Purpose and Price Promotional Techniques Places for Selling References Introduction Apple Inc. is a worldwide technological company founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak; its headquarter office is in Cupertino, California. The company develops and designs new computer and phone devices using the most advanced technologies (Heracleous…

  • Factors Affecting iPhone Supply and Demand Curve

    Table of Contents iPhone Supply and Demand: Introduction Kinked Demand Curve for iPhones iPhone Supply and Demand: Effect of Advertising Campaigns iPhone Supply and Demand Curve: Effect of Technological Improvement iPhone Supply and Demand: Effect of Increase in Personal Tax Allowances iPhone Supply and Demand Curve: Conclusion Reference List iPhone Supply and Demand: Introduction The…

  • Creation of the First iPhone: The Shortcomings

    Table of Contents Introduction Shortcomings Success or Failure Conclusion References Introduction In a time of ordinary cell phones with buttons and arrow keys, the first iPhone represented a revolution in technology that would soon spread to other electronic brands and eventually change the way mobile phones were perceived. It was one of the most notable…

  • “Apple iPhone Again Best Tech Seller of the Year…” by Graham

    Table of Contents Summary Assessment Impact Reference Summary This analysis paper’s central core is the assertion that the forced need to stay at home was the deciding factor that brought Apple back to its leadership position in 2020 (Graham, 2020). Jefferson provides numerical data showing its sales growth and notes key marketing milestones related to…

  • IPhone 6 Description and Its Complexity Factors

    Table of Contents Introduction The iPhone 6 Conclusion Reference List Introduction Lodorfos, Mulvana, and Temperley (2006) argue that the term complexity is extremely hard to define. However, researchers believe that the term focuses on a phenomenon that arises from different interacting forces or factors. That being the case, there are numerous complexity factors involved whenever…

  • IPhone Product Promotion and Politics in China

    Promotion The history of Chinese culture shows that each company that wants to enter the country’s market has to consider Chinese traditions and beliefs. Apple should also pay increased attention to its marketing strategy since its core principles are heavily based on its American origins. Currently, Apple’s plan does not seem to be adapted to…

  • IPhone: Marketing and Purchasing Decisions

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Conclusions and Recommendations Reference List Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Introduction The study of products made by Apple can reveal many interesting details about the smartphone market in general and the customer decision-making process in particular. One of the latest releases is the iPhone X, launched in the second half…