Category: Internet

  • Post-Literate Generation: Is the Internet Making Us Stupid?

    Probably, the most defining characteristic of modern society is the availability and abundance of information. At no other point in history has an average person been able to update their knowledge on current events and receive information as quickly as now. However, there is considerable concern regarding the endless supply of news. Many scientists, specifically,…

  • Internet and Its Influence on Modern Society

    The Internet in the mind of its creators was different from what it emerged to be and what it is today. Even in the 1960s, when the Soviet Union was developing the concept of the digital network, the ideas of solving the economic and social problems of the population persisted among scholars and party workers…

  • Cyber Surveillance and Privacy of Internet Users

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Main Objectives Conclusion References Abstract Cyber surveillance is becoming increasingly important for Internet users. In this paper, the topic will be discussed from the perspectives of everyday surveillance, its justifications, privacy-enhancing technologies, and the need for balancing different and often conflicting interests. It will be shown that cyber surveillance is…

  • Does the Internet Negatively Impact People’s Brains?

    With the rapid development of technologies, it has become impossible to imagine life without them. The Internet has given individuals worldwide the possibility to communicate easily, plan and perform faster, study, and realize different tasks simultaneously. However, some humans argue that the global network seriously influences people’s concentration and short memory. The others state that…

  • The Internet and Technology Negative Effects

    Table of Contents Introduction The Internet’s Side-Effects Criticism of Technology in The Past The Future with Artificial Intelligence Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In 2008, Nicolas Carr published an article titled “Is Google making Us Stupid?” in an American Magazine, the Atlantic. With its personal mention, the author appeals to all Internet users with a risky…

  • The Protection of Internet Users in the US

    Table of Contents Introduction Digital Millennium Copyright Act The inefficiency of the Government Conclusion References Introduction The advent of the Internet has caused several changes in society. The process of communication is at full speed and the transfer of information was made light years faster. It is undeniable that the Internet has closed the gap…

  • Effects of the Internet on Society and Individuals

    Internet is a decisive technology in which information is transferred from one point to another. It is a global network that connects computers and is based on wireless transmission platforms to provide a ubiquitous multimodal capacity and interactive communication within a chosen period. Its official birthday was in January 1983, which is when it was…

  • D&D London Restaurant Company: Internet Strategy

    Table of Contents Introduction Description of the business Internet adoption and guiding principles Technology that would be employed References and bibliography Introduction The Internet is becoming a very important tool in the world of business because it presents a method of transacting not only in a very short time, but also a way of saving…

  • Internet Privacy and Privacy Issues

    Internet Privacy has become one of the most commonplace issues in contemporary society. Even though internet connectivity enables many people to interact and share information, privacy issues have remained a big problem for Internet users. Internet-related crimes, such as fraud and cyberstalking, have been on the verge of increasing, hence raising concerns on Internet privacy.…

  • The Information Transmission Through the Internet

    Table of Contents Introduction Microsoft Media Services and Media Distribution Unicast and Multicast Windows Encoder Enable Streaming of Media over a Network Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The rapid development of computer technologies has fastered the process of the information transmission through the Internet. Nowadays, we cannot imagine our life without internet communication since it is…