Category: Intellectual Property

  • Intellectual Property Rules in Peer-to-Peer Networks

    Businesses protect their technology, innovations, and competitive advantages through intellectual property laws. These laws include trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, and trade know-how. A patent is a license that confers the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the patented invention for a specified period. A trademark is a symbol legally registered…

  • Prevention of Intellectual Property Theft

    In today’s increasingly information-driven world, data can be a crucial commodity, more valuable than any physical asset. Thus, any organization must make the best possible efforts to protect its data from unauthorized access. Intellectual property (IP) is a category of data that includes innovations, methods, and trade secrets (UpCounsel, 2020). All of these types of…

  • Plagiarism in the Research Work

    The pre-test scores were slightly better than the post-test ones. In the pre-test, 6 answers were answered correctly and 4 incorrectly. In the post-test, the opposite trend has emerged, as 6 questions were answered incorrectly and only 4 were correct. The question about a summary of an idea was answered incorrectly because there was some…

  • Copyright Infringement in US Musical Industry

    Having the ability to protect intellectual property is crucial for both companies and individuals. In the U.S., the Copyright Act of 1976 is the primary legislation guiding people through various aspects of using other individuals’ work (“Copyright Law of the United States”). Although at first, the topic may appear straightforward, it is often difficult to…

  • Creative Commons and Open Source as Alternative Approaches to Copyright

    There are benefits of appropriate implementation of copyright strategies to protect the authored materials against the increasing breakdown of copyright laws. For instance, the creative commons license constitutes laws, human-understandable reports, and machine-comprehensible tags. The creative commons develop rules on top of the copyright laws. Additionally, the creative commons enable authors to base their work…

  • Business Torts and Intellectual Property

    Table of Contents Case: Moran v. Sims Case: Audi AG v. D’Amato Questions and Answers Reference List A tort is a breach of duty owed to another person. The tort suits usually happen from instances of recklessness or bad behavior. The law of tort develops through decided cases that reflect social values, the standard of…

  • Claim Made by Ronald Plecia and Ken R. Baker for a Claimed Infringement of U.S. Design Patent

    This case is about a claim made by Ronald Plecia and Ken R. Baker for a claimed infringement of United Stated Design Patent 219, 118, issued for a period of fourteen years to the above mentioned on November 3, 1970. Baker and Placia put all their efforts into developing this boat design patent for their…

  • Piracy in the Audiovisual Industry

    The author is critical of the ongoing behaviour in Australia where young people are reluctant to acquire movies and films from licensed vendors preferring instead to obtain them cheaply from friends and relatives through copywriting. The writer blames digital revolution for the problems facing the film industry terming the new trend as theft. Unfortunately, the…

  • Intellectual Property Theft in the US

    Table of Contents Introduction Jurisdictional Issues Intellectual Property Theft and Law Enforcement The Appropriate Penalty Conclusion References Introduction Nowadays, technological advancements have created a situation where many valuable assets only exist in the form of information, and many physical ones can be replicated, given specific data. As such, the concept of intellectual property, which can…

  • IPR Violations in Software Development

    Reasons for IPR violations in software development Many people engage in Intellectual Property Regulation violations for different reasons. One main reason that standout is ignorance. Most organizations are unable to cope with the upward trend in technology and are lagging. However, they have to keep profitability and survival rates high. In the process of narrowing…