Category: Information Age

  • Synthesis Essay about the Internet

    The use of the internet has become a normal day-to-day activity in the world. So much information is derived from the internet since it seems to have almost all the news and information. This has made internet innovation a very important and recognized procedure globally since it has provided the world with so much information…

  • Definition Essay about the Internet

    The internet is very prevalent in society, everything from our PCs, to self-driving cars; the internet is used by everyone: Young, old, and everyone in between. However, the internet is in its early phases, and it is far from being fully developed. The internet is only a system, that provides data and information, and it…

  • Modest Proposal Essay on the Internet

    In the modern era, the internet has become an indispensable part of our lives, shaping how we communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. However, the unchecked growth of the internet has also given rise to various issues such as cyberbullying, misinformation, and invasion of privacy. In light of these concerns, I propose a modest yet…

  • Primary Objective of Information Security

    Confidentiality is a primary Information Security objective. Confidentiality refers to how we can protect information from being accessed by unauthorized parties (persons or other programs) [6]. Confidentiality can be achieved in three different ways: authentication, encryption, and using hash functions. According to [9], authentication is the most popular wherein users are expected to provide a…