Category: Influenza

  • Investigation To Determine The Future Trends Of Flu In Australia For The Rest Of 2019

    Introduction The task requires a detailed investigation to find out the data provided which include the reference number of state and territories, date of onset, notification date which is relevant to the health authority, age, sex and the postcode of residence. The feature and the extensiveness of the data are accumulated in the National Notifiable…

  • General Overview Of Influenza As An Infectious Virus

    Influenza has become an annual epidemic, increasing in volatility, which can greatly affect the fragile and vulnerable, particularly the elderly. Within healthcare settings, such as aged-care facilities, outbreaks can be greatly detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the residents, impacting greatly on their ability to partake in their activities of daily living (ADL). This…

  • Trends Of Influenza Virus Outbreaks

    Influenza virus is one of the few viruses with capability and history of creating pandemics, having resultant deaths, hospitalizations and interruption of economic and societal activities. They have, hence, been a research interest overtime as to control measures to prevent and manage such outbreaks. STRUCTURE AND PATHOGENESIS OF INFLUENZA Influenza virus belongs to the orthomyxovirus…