Category: Industrial Revolution

  • The New Industrial Revolution: Autonomous Systems

    Nowadays, computer science concerns mostly developing autonomous systems and artificial intelligence (AI). The machinery revolution has already allowed people to delegate different tasks among various fields. In order to improve the quality of human life, self-driving cars, cloud robotics, autonomous factories, and mining have been invented. One may assume that the next step is fully…

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution

    The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by rapid digital transformation and technological enhancement. Innovative changes that affect business and manufacturing are defined as Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Frank et al. 23). This concept incorporates a new production approach based on the massive introduction of information technologies in various industries, large-scale…

  • Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Sociological Development

    The changes in the social structure began in the 18th century during the industrial revolution. On a very fundamental level, these ongoing modifications provided new working and living strategies, transforming the social design (Risjord, 2014). In this way, the insurgency shifted people’s perspectives from their homes to their workplaces. The Industrial Revolution is one of…

  • Industrial Revolution in History of Engineering

    One of the main events that marked the beginning of the industrial revolution era was the growth of the iron industry caused by the discovery of the puddling furnace method to produce iron. Due to a lack of wood resources, people were actively looking for alternative sources because wood was primarily used for fuel. According…

  • Industrial Revolution and Sociological Theory Development

    The Industrial Revolution refers to the transformation of manufacturing processes in the United States and Europe from 1760 to around 1840. It involved the development of mechanized factory systems, moving from hand production methods. Sociological changes were observed by altering society’s social order, including changes in social institutions, behaviors, and relations (Schneider, 2006). This paper…

  • Technology Changes and Their Impacts on Industrial Revolution

    Summary In the past centuries, most of the labor was provided manually by human beings in all types of industries, such as textile and transportation. The activities were slow and required a high number of workers to contribute towards a significant output. The need to meet people’s demand for the products and movement prompted the…

  • Industrial Revolution and International Affairs

    Table of Contents Introduction Industrial Revolution Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Industrial Revolution presents one of the most important events in human history, which determined the future of society’s way of living. However, its’ positive aspects in an increased number of workplaces and higher salaries had multiple negative consequences on the society and economy. This essay…

  • Factory Life and Work Conditions in Industrial Revolution

    The analyzed document is The Sadler Report (1832) in the form of interviews with factory workers. The attention of the modern man is instantly attracted by the fact that children worked there. The use of child labor in the English industry was one way to reduce production costs. In the changed economic situation, the parents…

  • Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?

    To begin with, it is necessary to consider the positive consequences of the industrial revolution in the economic sphere. Firstly, the quality has improved, the volume has increased, and the cost of production has decreased, since machines work more accurately than a person, without making any mistakes. Secondly, the prices of consumer goods have dropped,…

  • Unemployment After the US Industrial Revolution

    The thing that made me “wow” in this class was the topic of industrialization. More precisely, the fact that although industrialization was the economic forcing factor, it also left many Americans unemployed was interesting to me. According to Locke and Wright (2019), economic progress, technical innovation, social and cultural evolution, and demographic shifts revolutionized the…