Category: Income Inequality

  • Addressing Economic Inequality: The Pandemic Challenge

    Economic inequality continues to be relevant to modern society, with the full range of human rights being available only to the wealthy minority. However, many social workers have now been focusing on working toward addressing the issue, with their commitment to social justice and equal human rights being illustrated by the way in which they…

  • Income Inequality in Developed Countries

    The work payment proportion excessively expanded among people who have high profits, further adding to the development of income inequality. The difference between individuals characterized by schooling and professional training provides them with benefits in work, creating capital payment imbalance. Lately, while the income inequality in Germany and China developed as quickly as in the…

  • Measuring Economic Inequality

    Global inequality is a complex issue, the measurement of which is complicated by the number of factors involved. The problem of global economic inequality has pushed its way into the national and international conversation and the ongoing debates about the need to raise the minimum wage to ensure the improvement in the population’s quality of…

  • Economy Studying: Income Inequality

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Most governments across the world have applied some of the remedies prescribed by the 19th century economists. Some of the solutions applied include progressive tax rates, low population growth rates, minimum wage rates, and educational training. These remedies appear inadequate in preventing the prevalence of income…

  • Income Inequality in South Africa

    Leibbrandt and Shipp break down the source, cause and solution to the income disparity in South Africa. Their findings tackle how the bridge between the rich and poor, gender and racial inequalities, equalization workers’ wages and salaries, stability of the middle class and the division caused by the need for some form of tertiary education.…

  • Income Inequality in the United States

    Within every population, there is a discongruity as to how much a citizen will earn inside of their economy. They are experiencing income inequality. You may be asking yourself, what is income inequality, exactly? “Income inequality is a phrase that is used in reference to the uneven distribution of individual or household income among a…

  • Sociocultural Effects of Racial Income Inequality in the United States

    According to the Federal Reserve Bank, the average black family holds less than 15% of the wealth of the average white family. While white families have median and mean net worths of $171,000 and $933,700, a black families’ median and mean wealth is $17,600 and $138,200. Hispanic families also earn substantially less, with a median…

  • Income Inequality: Causes and Solutions

    We have all heard the phrase of income inequality in our lives. But few of us actually thought about it or even consider thinking about it. Before diving into solutions, what is causing this problem in the first place is essential because without knowing the issues of what causing this problem in the first place…

  • Wealth Gap Between Whites and Blacks

    In the United States (US), the household wealth of a median white family in 2019 was $147,000, while the median black family owns $3,600 – just over 2% of what the median white family owns (Collins, Asante-Muhammad, Hoxie, & Terry, 2019). The wealth gap between whites and blacks not only suggests that there is an…

  • The Government Should Reduce the Gap to an Advisable Level Between Rich and Poor

    How would you feel if you were one of the 800 million people who went to bed starving each and every night? At this very moment, countless people are forced to bear the pain of poverty and starvation, through no fault of their own, while millions of individuals in developed-countries binge on excessive amounts of…