Category: Immigration

  • Language & Immigration in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

    Introduction In this paper, founding the arguments on the article of Amy Tan, problems that come from language barriers – with the emphasis on the related immigrants’ hardships – will be discussed. Summary Paragraph In her article “Mother’s tongue,” Amy Tan shares her views on different forms of English and their impact on the life…

  • Immigration: America Needs Its Newcomers by Quindlen

    In her essay America needs its newcomers, Anna Quindlen claims that immigration has always played a crucial role in the history of the US. One of the primary evidence of their current contribution is the sheer number of foreigners working in the most labor-intensive industries. Anna Quindlen states that America has become dependent on a…

  • Mexican Immigration to the USA

    Mexico ranks first place in the world in terms of emigration. For the US, Mexico is the primary source of cheap labor, as they are mostly employed in the labor force. Since the 19th century, the United States has surpassed many immigrants from Mexico, and its flow has gradually increased. Nevertheless, according to data from…

  • Immigration Impact on American Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact of Immigration on American Society Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The acceleration of hostility towards “foreigners” among the old-line Americans became rapid towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as American consciousness transformed into racial and anti-Semitism ideologies. The wave of nativism was then…

  • Immigration System Complexity at US-Mexico Border

    The immigration system at the U.S.-Mexico border has been known for its complexity and reliance on restriction and inflexibility. With its catch and release policies, the “prevention through deterrence” program, and the border’s increasing militarization, the system at the southern border has started to function as a labyrinth (Chambers et al., 2021, p. 1). Sociological…

  • Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican Immigrants

    Immigration is one of the most controversial political issues that the United States of America faces. Various administrations have addressed it in various ways, implementing various mitigation measures and policies. However, immigration has remained a contentious issue that has caused heated debates among politicians and the public. The Trump administration has been very aggressive in…

  • American Immigration History: From British Colonies to the Present

    Throughout its history, the United States witnessed large-scale waves of immigration, while the policy and attitude towards non-natives repeatedly changed. This paper examines the significant episodes in the history of American immigration from the establishment of the British colonies to the present. Additionally, immigration regimes and legislation will be analyzed from a historical perspective and…

  • Immigration Policies in the United States

    I chose this issue because it is interesting as it provides diverse analysis possibilities as immigration in the United States is widely debated with potent controversies. For example, observing and exploring immigration policies allows us to identify their efficiency. Comparing expenses on implementing and maintaining those policies by the government and the revenue created by…

  • Changes in United States Immigration Policies

    Introduction Immigration is one of the most hotly debated and controversial issues in American politics. This can be attributed to the significant role that it has played in shaping the history of the United States. The US is one of the countries that have flexible immigration policies in the world. In past decades, the immigration…

  • Immigration in America – Debate

    The immigration debate remains one of the most controversial issues in the United States today. Many supporters and critics offer their unique arguments without considering the views of their opponents. The move by different arguers to select historical developments and events that resonate with their opinions has resulted in numerous misconceptions. This precarious situation explains…