Category: Immigration

  • The US Immigration Laws

    Table of Contents Description of the Legal Topic USA Immigration Law Historical Analysis Cases Integral to USA Immigration Laws Conclusion Works Cited The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist…

  • Immigration in the U.S. and Its Economic Implications

    Introduction Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout the country’s history. The United States, created by settlers, continues today to accept a huge number of immigrants. The sharp increase in the scale of the entry of foreigners in the 70s of the last century was…

  • The US Immigration Laws: Movement Regulation

    Introduction The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist without individuals who decided to take their families and started to live new lives in the USA back in the eighteenth…

  • New Immigration Waves in the USA

    Immigrants Should Be Welcomed Americans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land hoping for better. This statement is one of the most frequently used associations emerging while speaking about the USA and its history. One of the reasons for the popularity of this idea that it is not far from reality. The…

  • The Issue of Immigration in the United States

    The given analytical essay will primarily focus on the issue of immigration in the United States. Amy Chua’s writing of the reading, where she raises valid points regarding immigration in the United States. The author’s voice is mostly neutral and informative, but it logically directs the reasoning process towards her position. She understands the overall…

  • Immigration in Daniel Alarcon’s “Absence”

    This paper reflects Daniel Alarcon’s Absence, a work that concerns the topic of immigration and how immigrants feel while settling down in a new country. Given that the book, which is reflected upon, examines an artist’s life, writing this paper helped me better understand one of the essential aspects of being a writer: the ability…

  • Immigration Enforcement in the US

    Immigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in severity and complexity over the past several years. With the advent of new technologies, criminals obtain more possibilities to arrange and expand their illegal activity. The key task of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the country and its citizens from criminal aliens whose actions…

  • U.S. Immigration Policy Moral Dilemma

    The problem of ethical behavior and fair solutions is reflected in the philosophical work of American professor Stephen Macedo. The primary meaning of the article is reflected in the title: the multi-page essay is devoted to assessing the positive and negative sides of moral justice of the U.S. immigration policy (Macedo, 2018). Macedo asks the…

  • Immigration Reasons, Functions and Problems

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Immigration Emigration The Main Functions of Immigration Problems Conclusion References Brief Annotated Bibliography Abstract This paper highlights the main points of the immigration process. Several immigration reasons including economical, political, religious, and others were identified. There are the primary functions of immigration that explain its purposes both from immigrants and…

  • Illegal Immigration in the United States

    In the United States, illegal immigration remains a critical issue affecting society and the workforce situation. Whether or not Arizona law officials should be authorized to detain individuals arbitrarily to check their immigration status is a matter of human rights. This paper argues that the decision is rather harmful despite its potential positive effects. As…