Category: Immigration

  • US Racial Inequality, Legislation and Immigration

    The Significance of De Jure Segregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Civil Rights Act Society today can be described as a mosaic of races with different people living together as one society. This situation is starkly different from what the society practiced many years ago when they were pure in terms of race. Their…

  • Acculturation and Immigration in the UK

    Introduction: Acculturation as a Phenomenon. Definition, Examples and Expected Outcomes Immigration has always been associated with several negative issues, starting from the unemployment due to the influx of immigrant labor force to the possibility of cultural conflicts. The issue of immigration, however, is rarely considered from an immigrant. Acculturation is a complicated process that may…

  • Reasons Why Immigration Enhances Diversity

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Immigration versus Diversity Immigration Expands Culture Immigration Improves Economies Immigration Connects the World Opposing Immigration-Induced Diversity Gaps and Limitations Conclusion References Introduction International migration has become a choice for more individuals around the globe seeking to improve their life chances by moving between nations. Unlike early forms of migration, current…

  • The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

    Abrego, Leisy, et al. “Making Immigrants into Criminals: Legal Processes of Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era.” Journal on Migration and Human Security, vol. 5, no. 3, 2017, pp. 694–715., Web. Abrego et al.’s article shows that much evidence states that immigration is not associated with increased crime rates and that migrants are not criminals. The…

  • Inventing the Immigration Problem by Benton-Cohen

    Thesis: Katherine Benton-Cohen brings attention to how the Dillingham Commission (DC) affected people coming to the US. The author argues that the DC presented immigration as an issue (Benton-Cohen, 2018). By demonstrating problems associated with individuals entering the country, the DC allowed those in power to decide who was accepted as a true US citizen…

  • Investigating International Education: Teachers’ Immigration

    Introduction The struggles of teachers for professional recognition and for the associated working conditions and rewards, that might bring it about have a long and changeable history. More pay, higher status, greater autonomy, increased self-regulation, improved standards of training – these factors became crucial for many teachers when they moved to other countries to continue…

  • “The Debate Over Immigration…” Article by Bump

    The author of “The debate over immigration often relies on murky assumptions about the law,” Philip Bump, published in the Washington Post, argues that the debate surrounding immigration is often misguided due to a lack of clarity regarding the laws that govern it. The public discourse on immigration frequently relies on misunderstandings and misconceptions about…

  • Haitian Immigration in the United States

    The U.S has a large number of immigrants compared to any other part of the world since many people move there to join their families while others look for better job opportunities. Other immigrants in the U.S seek safety from the wars in their countries and disasters, while others seek better education. The Haitians are…

  • Immigration and Red Scare Discussion

    The Red Scare was characterized by a significant number of immigrants to the United States who were adherents of socialist, communist, and anarchist ideas. This phenomenon influenced the perception of immigrants in the years 1910-1920. The threat from the socialist regime prompted a response in the form of an anti-immigration policy. At the present time,…

  • Immigration Policy and International Security

    Immigration reform must start with the implementation of an appropriate immigration policy that caters to international and national security as well. In the United States, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversees federal immigration agencies (Bergmann 37). Contemporary immigration has serious security connotations to first-world countries and therefore be addressed from a broad perspective. However,…