Category: Iliad

  • Comparing Achilles and Hector in the Iliad

    The introduction deals with Greco-Roman literature and the importance of Iliad as an epic. The main points that are discussed below the introduction are: The plot of the story, character and leadership characteristics of Achilles, and the character and leadership characteristics of Hector. The conclusion includes the comparison and analysis of both the warriors. The…

  • Agamemnon in the Iliad: Character Analysis

    Pride, ego, high self-esteem are all harbingers of dissatisfaction and clashes. In the classic Iliad by Homer, Agamemnon is shown to be a person with a high of all of these. He has to give up his prized possession, a girl whom he won when the city of Priam was conquered since the god Apollo…

  • Phoenix’s Speech in Book 9th of the Iliad

    Homer is regarded in the Roman and Greek world as the father of rhetoric. This reputation of Homer is clearly evident from the 9th book of the Iliad, an embassy right from the leaders of the Greek towards Achilles, who is both sour and furious. The speeches framed by Homer in the 9th book were…

  • Supplication in the Iliad

    Supplication or petitioning can be considered a kind of prayer where a person asking his superior for something. This prayer can be for himself or for someone else. The person who is making the supplication is referred to as a supplicant. Normally the supplicant is the inferior of the person he is praying to. The…

  • The Iliad’s Oral Tradition

    There are several suggestions that perhaps Homer’s The Iliad is the product of a much longer oral tradition that Homer wrote down and passed along as an artist. An oral tradition can be generally thought of as a story that is passed down from one generation to another through oral, or storytelling, means in a…

  • Greek Heroic Motifs in “The Iliad”: Agamemnon and Priam

    Table of Contents Introduction Hero Context Characters’ Qualities in The Iliad Conclusion Introduction Greek history is frequently discussed in many literary works, and Homer’s Iliad is probably the most famous and successful story about the Trojan War and its participants. In this epic poem, heroic motifs are determined by harsh social obligations and definite cultural…

  • “The Iliad” as a Primary Source for Historians

    Any science is based on the analysis of evidence regarding diverse phenomena, individuals, or events. Historians try to unveil the secrets of the past by extracting information from different types of sources, including specific objects, documents, pictures, people’s accounts, and even literary works. Although the literature is associated with fictional plots and is seen as…

  • The Judgment of Paris in The Iliad: Analysis

    The Iliad belongs to a number of the most famous ancient poems devoted to conflicts between states. Numerous references present the work’s characteristics, making it a popular research subject in cultural studies to Greek legends. Among the codes that are related to the events described in the Iliad, there is the story about Paris, who…

  • Andromache in the Iliad: Character Analysis

    The role of women in the ancient world is generally accepted to be that of possession and house-servant, mother and decorative status symbol, but not human, not thinking and not individual enough to act upon her own volition. This impression comes from a long line of ancient texts and documents that suggest women were barely…

  • The Iliad and The Odyssey – Homeric Epics Analysis

    There is a great deal of different methods and techniques to introduce the main characters of the story, to organize the text and to make the reader interested in the book from the very beginning. Authors usually use various methodologies in their work, as they want to be unique and different from other authors by…