Category: Hypertension

  • Hypertension: Diagnosis and Treatment

    Table of Contents Introduction Medication Diet Risk Factors and Summary References Introduction Hypertension is a serious condition because the patient may not feel the symptoms of this condition until it develops into a severe state. However, once the symptoms develop, they can affect other vital systems and organs. Hypertension is also referred to as high…

  • Determining Benchmarks for Hypertension Reduction

    Table of Contents Introduction Statistical Trends Quality Measures Compatibility of Data Effects of Information Quality on the HIE Conclusion References Introduction The purpose of this project is to review the current quality measures for the management of hypertension. The condition is prevalent throughout the United States, which is problematic because it can lead one to…

  • Hypertension: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

    Assessment Data Analysis Health History The patient presents with high blood pressure. He complains that current medication does not improve his condition. He wants a new medicine. He has no other health concerns. Client’s strengths The client is aware of the importance of healthy living. He exercises every day in the morning and has two-hour…

  • Hypertension as the “The Silent Killer”

    Blood pressure is a compression that pushes against the interior walls of the arteries as the heart propels blood throughout the body. Readings of blood pressure are logged in the form of a ratio. The numerator corresponds to the systolic pressure, which characterizes the strength of the blood during a heartbeat. The denominator, on the…

  • Hypertension: Diagnostics, Management, Education

    Table of Contents Introduction Diagnostics Management Plan Patient Education Follow-Up and Referral References Introduction Based on the subjective and objective data presented in the case, it is possible to assume C.D. has hypertension (HT). It is one of the most widespread chronic disorders among adults: it affects nearly 1 billion people around the globe (Wise…

  • Change Model: Hypertension-Related Problems

    Introduction Hypertension-related problems are frequently observed in adults, and the task of medical workers is to take preventive measures and reduce their blood pressure to normal limits. The application of antihypertensive drugs is one of the common therapies that can be offered to patients, but this intervention has to be properly implemented (Aronow, 2018). In…

  • Annotated Bibliography: Hypertension and Kidneys

    Agarwal, R. (2005). Hypertension and survival in chronic hemodialysis patients-past lessons and future opportunities. Kidney International, 67, 1-13. This study review looks at reverse epidemiology between hypertension and mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. The author conducts a critical analysis of the most recent research studies, which show that there is a positive improvement among chronic…

  • Hypertension: Patient and Staff Education

    Broad Instructional Goals Patient Education Hypertension or high blood pressure is a widespread disease that, without careful observation of the patient, can result in serious complications or even fatal outcomes. According to Wilkins et al. (2010), 22.6% of Canadian adults have hypertension, and 20% have prehypertension (p. 42). In order to control the blood pressure…

  • Hypertension Among the Elderly in Texas

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Overview Epidemiological and Demographic Data HP2020 Preventive Care and Health Promotion Overview Conclusion References Introduction There is an increase in the elderly population due to advances in medicine. Along with this, diseases characteristic of old age are spreading. Among these diseases is hypertension, which is characterized by high blood pressure.…

  • Pulmonary Hypertension: Etiology, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Table of Contents Introduction Pathophysiology Signs and Symptoms Treatment Conclusion References Introduction Pulmonary hypertension, often abbreviated as PH, is a rare but life-threatening form of high blood pressure. According to Ogo (2020), the condition occurs when blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary arteries) are clogged, narrowed, blocked, or destroyed. It creates a condition where the…