Category: Hygiene

  • The Role of Hand Hygiene in Preventing the Transmission of Clostridium Difficile

    Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infections are a significant issue that can result in patient deaths (Barker et al., 2017; Boyce & Zingg, 2017). They are also incredibly prevalent in healthcare settings. Among care-associated infections, C. diff can be responsible for about 12% of the cases, and every year, it leads to at least 15,000 deaths…

  • Personal Hygiene: Qualitative Research

    Table of Contents Research topic and question Phenomenology qualitative research method Issues associated with the phenomenological research The other qualitative methods for the research topic Use of questionnaires to collect data for the study Challenges expected in the research project Strengths and weaknesses of the phenomenology method References Research topic and question This proposed qualitative…

  • The Importance of Hygiene in Gynecology

    As a third-year medical student, I had a rotation in obstetrics and gynecology. At this rotation, I had an experience with a patient that transformed my professional path and encouraged my promotional community-based activity as a health care practitioner. The patient whom I encountered was a woman admitted for infertility evaluation. In the course of…

  • Dental Hygiene for Students: Program Evaluation

    Recommendations and Justifications From the data presented, it is recommended that dental hygiene students receive additional training to enhance their skills in applying dental sealants to school children. The training should specifically target how dental sealants are applied on the distal fossa and the lingual grove as these are the two important areas where the…

  • A Qualitative Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance

    Sunkesula, V. C., Kundrapu, S., Knighton, S., Cadnum, J. L., & Donskey, C. J. (2017). A randomized trial to determine the impact of an educational patient hand-hygiene intervention on contamination of hospitalized patient’s hands with healthcare-associated pathogens. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 38(5), 595-597. Web. The authors conducted a quantitative randomized trial (non-blinded) to identify…

  • Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

    Table of Contents The Impact of the Change Planning a Process Change Measuring Compliance Causes and Effects of Noncompliance Additional Recourses Ensuring Compliance Conclusion References Infections acquired in the hospital are currently one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity. Proper hand hygiene practices, in turn, are considered to be an effective way to…

  • Role of Hand Hygiene in Clostridium Difficile Control

    In the previously submitted work, the clinical importance of Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infections was evidently identified by referencing statistical data and reputable sources on the topic (Boyce & Zingg, 2017). The prevalence of the disease in clinical environments and the need for the elimination of negative consequences of C. diff spreading determine the primary…

  • Why I Want to Be a Dental Hygienist Essay

    Among many other dental hygiene application essay examples, this one is a must-read. The following dental hygiene essay will give several arguments on why you might want to be a dental hygienist over anything else. The author will talk about their childhood and skills and say a few words about the obligations of a dental…

  • Dudebox Personal Hygiene Products for Male Clients

    Table of Contents Introduction World Market Trends The Local Market Objective Customer and Value Proposition Company Structure and Processes Marketing Plan Economic and Financial Plan Conclusions References Introduction The Dudebox project is a business idea that was developed after a detailed market research revealed despite the huge demand, men still find it difficult accessing personal…

  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene Essay

    Baths and water supply: Pompeii were supplied with water by the “Serinum aqueduct” as it is commonly known, or the imperial aqueduct at Misenum Water was then transported to the “castellum aquae” near the Vesuvian Gate and then provided to all areas of the city under the footpaths. “Bathing for Romans was a social occasion.…