Category: Hygiene

  • Sepsis and Hygiene Protocols as a Clinical Problem

    Table of Contents Introduction Evidence-Based Solution and Nursing Intervention Patient Care, Healthcare Agency, and Nursing Practice Conclusion References Introduction The analysis of a specific clinical problem by evaluating the aspects that it affects and reviewing its implications may allow finding a relevant solution that contributes to increasing patient outcomes in a particular care environment. This…

  • Quality Improvement Paper on Hand Hygiene

    Issue of Hand Hygiene Washing hands properly is a health requirement so basic that it barely warrants discussion, yet the recent increase in the demand for high-quality care has defined stricter guidelines and standards for care. Thus, the problem of hand hygiene has risen as one of the issues that need raising awareness about and…

  • Hand Hygiene Issues as a Nursing Practice Problem

    Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The identified topic is hand hygiene issues among practicing nurses at hospitals. Because hand hygiene is critical for preventing spreading infections within care environments, failure to comply may lead to adverse patient outcomes. Therefore, the absence of systematic measures…

  • Hand Hygiene Education in Nursing Practice

    Handwashing in medical facilities is one of the most effective procedures that help to reduce infection rates. However, this preventive measure has limited usage among health workers. For example, a study that investigated hand hygiene (HH) compliance in a children’s hospital demonstrated that the overall preintervention rate among medical staff was only 50.3% (Song, Stockwell,…

  • Patient Hand Hygiene and Nursing Interventions

    Table of Contents Nursing Theory in the Project: Self-Care Theory Implementation Plan and Outcome Measures Potential Barriers and Strategies to Overcome Them References Nursing Theory in the Project: Self-Care Theory To support the implementation of the proposed project, it is imperative to define theoretical assumptions that best support decision-making and prevent potential problems from affecting…

  • Self-Assessment in Dental Hygiene

    Dental hygiene is crucial for people’s health, and self-assessment is an essential part of hygiene. It is worth mentioning in the curriculum because hygienists must have these skills for self-improvement and personal growth in the profession. The value of that practice will help to monitor both their health and their performance at work. Self-assessment skills…

  • Hand Hygiene as Best Practice in Adult Nursing

    Table of Contents Introduction Current practices and Outcomes in Hand Hygiene Interventions to promote hand hygiene among health care worker Conclusion References Introduction The idea of getting nurses and physicians to observe hand hygiene is not new. The Hungarian physician, Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis (1818–1865) first tried this approach in the 1840s when he elaborated the…

  • American Dental Hygienists’ Association

    The source published by authors affiliated with the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) summarizes essential barriers to dental care optimization in the U.S. Basically, the document aims to apply systems thinking to propose viable paths toward positive change. From my perspective, the change-driver chart created by Rhea and Bettles (2011) identifies the central topics of…

  • Dental Billing Fraud and the Role of a Hygienist

    One of the most common patterns of dental fraud is related to billing. Some dentists may seek additional profit and perform services that are unnecessary to the patient. In other cases, a high number on a bill may be due to mistakes with coding. In either case, the situation is considered a fraud, and the…

  • Suggestions for Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

    The practice-based nursing theory was used for this report. It has provided the necessary framework for the process of planning a nursing intervention. It was favored over more abstract theories because it had a more direct effect on nursing practice. For instance, Jean Watson, a nursing theorist, has identified hand-washing as “a time to center,…