Category: Hygiene

  • “Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Interventions in Reducing Illness Absence”: Article Analysis

    The research was conducted by 6 researchers from different medical specialties. The researchers were; Willmott, Nicholson, Busse, MacArthur, Brookes, and Campbell. All the researchers have a background in social and community medicine. Specifically, they are from the University of Bristol, School of Social and Community Medicine; thus indicating that they have the relevant knowledge required…

  • Hand Hygiene Guidelines to Reduce Infections: Change Model

    Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) create a problem that negatively affects both patient health and the status of a medical organization. The number of HAIs is connected to the quality of hand hygiene practices and the antisepsis guidelines implemented in a hospital (Fernando, Gray, & Gottlieb, 2017). Therefore, these activities and policies should be targeted to resolve…

  • Hand Hygiene Strategies in Medical Institutions

    The article “Impact of a team and leaders-directed strategy to improve nurses’ adherence to hand hygiene guidelines” depicts the results of a quantitative study concerning the use of a hand hygiene strategy. Huis et al. (2013) carry out a cluster-randomized trial that focuses on the effectiveness of a team and leaders-directed strategy. It is possible…

  • Dental Hygienists Helping Underserved Population

    Low-income individuals are not able to have proper access to dental health due to the lack of insurance coverage. Therefore, as a hygienist, it is critical to understand that these people should focus on preventative measures. The main reason is that the given approach is more affordable than treating an already existing problem. Dental hygiene…

  • Social and Commercial Marketing: A Dental Hygiene Program

    The health care sector uses a multiplicity of marketing initiatives to not only ensure that important health messages reach the intended populations but also to facilitate behavior change and modification (Twenebuah-Koduah & Owusu-Frimpong, 2013). Most of the marketing initiatives have been successful in modifying health behaviors as people are inclined to new ways of doing…

  • Why I Want to Become a Dental Hygienist

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed about working in healthcare. There was something very appealing and motivating in helping people overcome their health issues and improving their quality of life. I am convinced that some of my most prominent personality qualities have contributed…

  • The Dental Hygiene Profession

    Wadia, R. (2022). Men working in dental hygiene. British Dental Journal, 232(10), 717. Web. The article by Wadia (2022) focuses on the need to teach the next generation of leaders who will work in dental hygiene. The primary point is that the dental hygienist profession is not popular among men, making it a predominantly female…

  • Hygiene Importance in Dentistry

    Although the field of dental hygiene is not associated with a high risk to the life of patients, professionals should first of all take care of their safety and well-being. The most memorable piece of art related to the professional area is the British dramedy series “This is going to hurt” released in 2022 (De…

  • Patient Safety in Dental Hygiene

    Patient safety is important in the field of dental hygiene. Medical procedures involving dental care have numerous health risks, even though they are not perceived as high risk by the popular opinion. According to the study by Choi et al. (2019), “various health risks accompany many of the frequently performed surgical treatments, such as cross-contaminations…

  • Hand Hygiene in Reducing Transient Flora

    Table of Contents The APA Citation Problem Statement Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Research Methodology/Design Research Setting Sampling Criteria Implications for Future Research Level of Evidence Conclusion References The APA Citation Kapil, R., Bhavsar, H. K., & Madan, M. (2015). Hand hygiene in reducing transient flora on the hands of healthcare workers: an educational intervention. Indian Journal of…