Category: Humanity

  • The Representation of a Particular Perspective about Humanity in The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Introduction The Picture of Dorian Gray, a gothic novel written in 1890 by Oscar Wilde, follows Dorian Gray, an archetype of Victorian upper-class society, through his slow degradation. A portrait is painted by Basil of Dorian which possesses paranormal powers to capture the sins he commits. Under Lord Henry’s influence, Dorian becomes corrupted by his…

  • The Correlation Of Integrity, Dignity And Humility

    Start by asking yourself “why do I seek to improve?” There may be a magnitude of reasons why you seek improvement, perhaps someone has indicated that you need to change, or maybe you just have an idea in your head that there’s something about you that needs improvement, the want to improve may even be…

  • The True Religion Of Mankind

    “I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit”. Khalil Gibran India is the home of religion. We find Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christainity, Hinduism, Zoroastrinism etc. in India. The teachings of religion…

  • Science As Mankind’s Greatest Achievement

    From walking on the moon to making biodegradable plastic bags, from talking to people all around the world on a handheld device to having a head transplant, none of this would be even remotely possible without the help of science. According to Wikipedia; science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organises knowledge in the…

  • Literature Review: How Technology can Help Humanity and its Future

    The Problem and Its Investigation Software development is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives. With the spread of technology to banking, public transportation, and even entire university classrooms, software is required to make money, get places, and get an education. However, this ubiquitous requirement for technology would not be satisfied without the…

  • To what Extent is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Humans?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a form of computer which has the ability to think for itself and perform tasks that usually require the intelligence of a human such as: speech recognition, decision-making, visual perception and translation between languages. However, there is a common misunderstanding that there is just one type of artificial intelligence. This is…

  • Creating a New Home for Humanity: The Terraformation of Planets

    The Earth, as of October 2019, provides the resources required for life for just over 7.7 billion human beings. Modern humanity did not evolve until recently, which was just about 200,000 years ago. Yet, humanity has managed to populate the earth heavily in such a small span of time. Due to humanity’s large population, the…

  • Values and Morals are the Defining Forces of Humanity

    Morality, in its broadest term is the line that bifurcates our every action and behaviour in to what is right and what is wrong. As a society, we have been blessed with the values passed to us from our previous generations, but in my view, moral values are an interplay of nature and nurture. Nature…

  • The Attempt to Restore Humanity in a Machine Dependent Society

    The human desire to seek perfection in an imperfect world has become more frequent as modern times have progressed. Society is composed of engineers that construct and produce technologies that simplify human life and grant overall efficiency. Civilians crave a world where their lives are made easier and can rely on machines to complete their…

  • The Effects of War on Humanity

    Introduction to the Multifaceted Impact of War on Humanity This paper explores a number of texts that support the idea of what the effects of war on humanity are, for example, an article by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Those effects include the changing of morals, the displacement of people, the mental illnesses developed by…