Category: Human Rights

  • Canada’s Commitment to Human Rights Principles

    Human rights refer to those aspects that uphold the outmost virtues of humankind. Human rights have also been defined as the “highest moral rights because they regulate the fundamental structures and practices of political life, and in ordinary circumstances, they take priority over other moral, legal, and political claims” (Donnelly 19). Nevertheless, rights have to…

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a set of principles that advocates for the rights of all humans as a means of ensuring their freedom and justice. These rights help to protect and safeguard the dignity of individuals from barbarous actions. The current paper, thereby, is a reflection of these rights to understand their…

  • Remote Sensing to Monitor Human Rights Violations

    People living today observe the rise of the new era characterized by the wide use of digital technologies and their wide implementation into different spheres of human activities. The emergence of new devices and software provides society with new options to improve the standards of their living or assist communities in need. For this reason,…

  • Human Rights Related to Immigration

    The concept of human rights refers to the fundamental freedoms and rights that a person acquires at birth and could be deprived of under no circumstances. Examples of such rights include the right to life, asylum, expression, work, privacy, and equal treatment. Every country is obliged to grant these rights to its citizens; however, numerous…

  • The Nature of Human Rights

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Human Rights and Their Dependence on Governments Democracy and Its Origins Limitations of the Argument and Counterarguments Conclusion References Abstract This essay is dedicated to one of the most disputed questions in philosophy. The nature of human rights and democracy has been the subject of debate for philosophers and politicians…

  • Human Rights as an Essential Part of the Societal Structure

    Today, it is impossible to imagine a society without fundamental human rights. However, such a statement has only become true not so long ago. The history of humankind faced numerous incidents of violence, cruelty, and abuse that would seem intolerable today but were usually a few centuries ago. Society nowadays moves to acknowledge all individuals…

  • Human Rights Under Russian Leadership

    Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws. Nevertheless, the governments of various countries do not grant their citizens the same liberties. There is a significant difference in human rights in the United States and Europe and such countries as Russia, China, and India.…

  • Human Rights Violations in Hong Kong

    The current event discussed in this paper is about a story that appeared on Human Rights Watch on March 27, 2020. The article is about the arrest of district councilor Cheng Lai-king on March 26, 2020, after being accused of seditious intent. According to the article, Cheng is a pro-democracy champion, and she has been…

  • Violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in China

    China has a long history of suppressing the authors and the freedom of speech. For instance, Liu Xiaobo was a literary critic, known for his active participation in the social and political spheres in China. Liu Xiaobo was fighting and protesting for subjects such as freedom of expression. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Laureate…

  • High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Human Rights

    The focus of this assignment will be the use of high-resolution satellite imagery for detecting mass graves in Sheberhan, an area in Afghanistan (AAAS, 2017b). The American Association for the Advancement of Science first reviewed the human rights issue in 2009 upon the request of Physicians for Human Rights, which is an organization that focuses…