Category: Human Anatomy

  • The Relation Between Sports And Health: Football In Egypt

    Introduction Today progressively more individuals think about the need to take part in sport movement to have the option to lead a sound lifestyle. Everybody, particularly kids, in any case, by and large prefers sports it may hurt them in numerous ways. Kids can be effectively harmed and veered off from their considers. Be that…

  • Clinical Anatomy And Physiology Of Peripheral Nervous System

    Introduction: Peripheral nerves lesions are common in clinical practice and can be caused by a wide variety of diseases like trauma, neoplasms, infections, metabolic disease and chemical toxins such as lead therefore it is of paramount importance for a physician to know the basic structure of peripheral nerves. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is considered…

  • Smoking and Its Effect on Healthy Eyes

    Introduction There are many lifestyle factors that can affect ocular health such as UV light, alcohol, diet, however smoking is one of the most important factors to control as it can lead to several eye problems. Most common eye problems associated with smoking include age related macular degeneration, cataracts, dry eye, optic neuritis, diabetic retinopathy…

  • Informative Essay on the Reproductive System as a Significant Framework

    Do you know how you were conceived? Do you know how you became? The reproductive system is the framework that made that all conceivable. Without the regenerative framework, you wouldn’t have been conceived. So as to create posterity, the male and female regenerative frameworks must be unique. Every system has various parts, issues, and care.…