Category: Home

  • Veteran Employment: Problems Veterans Face after Returning Home



    Table of Contents Introduction Problems Veterans Face after Returning Home Qualified Work for Veterans Problems with a Standard Work Week Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Supporting the economic success of America’s military veterans is receiving national attention and funding. According to Edwards, “veterans often face numerous challenges living outside the military environment” (Edwards 7). Since many…

  • Immigrant Adaptation Using Home Gardens



    Table of Contents Introduction Immigrant Adaptation Using Home Gardens Conclusion Reference Introduction When crossing national boundaries, homes and gardens, parks and plazas, neighborhoods, and landmarks are some areas that immigrants leave behind. When these material anchors are missing, they can leave children feeling bewildered and alienated. Some people build a new home for themselves based…

  • Home Automation: Are We Ready?



    Introduction This proposal is the preliminary part of a conceived research assignment on the theme of home automation systems. As a subset of building automation, the concept of smart homes has recently caught media imagination in Australia through its numerous innovations which enable the home-owner to have a user-friendly experience with different aspects of the…

  • The Idea of Home as a Special Place



    Numerous thinkers of all nations and generations discuss the notion of home since it is a core idea that can be approached from different angles. An article “The idea of home: A kind of space” by Mary Douglas attempts to view the concept of home using an evidence-based approach. She defines home as a localized…

  • Maintaining the Home and Work Balance



    Balancing work and personal life can be difficult, especially in today’s ever-changing world. Many prefer to choose only one thing, such as a career, because not everyone can simultaneously be a successful worker and parent. On the Internet, one can find quite many pictures that demonstrate the problem of finding a balance between work and…

  • Home Automated System: Pet Feeding



    Abstract The pet feeding system is an automated system that will entail the provision of food to the pet at particular times of the day through a well-regulated system that can be controlled remotely. The system will be controlled by a microprocessor system specifically the Motorola 68000 system. The objective of this project is to…

  • Fire Suppression System in a New Residential Home



    The inclusion of sprinklers as a measure to fight outbreaks in fire is not included in the countries policies. Although this is so, the many advantages that come with it lead to a need for its inclusion. The sprinkler will not act only as an alert factor in case of a fire happening but also…

  • Home Robotics in the Modern World



    Executive Summary Home robotics is one of the biggest inventions in the field of science that has attracted attention of many researchers. The society has come to realize that some of the tasks undertaken by human beings can be addressed by the robots. This is coming at a time when slavery has lost its meaning,…

  • Race and Home in Toni Morrison’s Novel “Home”



    Usually, people think of “home” as a place where one lives permanently, especially if they are a part of a family. Toni Morrison’s view of home differs from the perception of an average person. She uses the thought about home to influence the way she writes and the way she talks. She describes the home…

  • What Is ‘Home’: Personal Idea and Scholar’s Approaches to the Definition of ‘Home’



    Table of Contents Introduction Perspectives of Scholars Personal Definition Concluding Thoughts References Introduction The concept of a home has always had multiple levels of complexity as it was approached by different scholars in various ways. Nevertheless, the associations that come with the word ‘home’ are the most comforting and reassuring to most people on this…