Category: Healthcare

  • Change Project in Healthcare: The Introduction of Smartphone Apps

    Table of Contents Introduction Proposed Change SMART Goals Developing a Change Project Communication Tool Financial Considerations Ethical Considerations Assessment Tool Conclusion References Introduction Modern technologies have the potential to transform medical procedures and nursing practices to maximize patients’ experiences. These innovations can guide practitioners to guide and provide timely information to more people within a…

  • The Role of Teams in Quality Improvement in Healthcare

    Reflection on the strategies for developing teams The healthcare industry is dynamic and quite complex and it requires the participation of different healthcare providers. Healthcare personnel works in teams so that they could improve the quality of healthcare outcomes (Clarke, 2010; Frawley, 2009; Kelly, 2007). The following strategies would be used to develop effective teams…

  • A Value-Based System in Healthcare

    Table of Contents Introduction The Impact of the Current Policy The Distinction between Free-For-Service and Value-Based Systems A Personal Opinion on Sharing Power between Physicians and Nurses Conclusion References Introduction In the context of present-day developments, medicine plays a crucial role, as it directly influences the standards of living and the average life span among…

  • Cost and Quality of Healthcare Service Provision

    As noted by Hsu (2010), the roles of public and private sectors in the provision of healthcare services change over time. In the private sector, the benefits of the healthcare provision are estimated and evaluated based on the efficiency of the services and the generated profit (Hsu, 2010). Efficiency is also the focus of the…

  • Risk-Based Reimbursement in Healthcare

    In most cases capitation is used to cut the physicians’ compensation. However, it can be utilized as a tool for providing proper reimbursement to reduce inpatient hospital stays and specialist procedures which patients may not need (Erdek, 2018). The hospitals where the primary physician work make per diem arrangement with the Health Management Organizations (HMO)…

  • Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network

    Table of Contents Background Key Components of the Case Health Care Delivery Model The Structure of the Organization Communication Patterns Negotiation Strategies Performance following the Change Initiative Laws and Regulations Reference List Background The case explains the origin of an organization called OCHIN (Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network). OCHIN provides and coordinates electronic medical records…

  • The Performance and Quality of Religious Healthcare

    Religious healthcare core functions evaluation For the religious healthcare segment to thoroughly understand and evaluate its performance in the healthcare sector and thus strive to make improvements, it is imperative to assess the core functions such as healthcare divisions. To begin with, an element of measuring performance outcomes should be well designed. Designation of performance…

  • Importance of Radiology and Imaging Service in Healthcare

    Table of Contents Introduction Importance to healthcare Importance to patients Conclusion References Introduction Radiology is a process that involves displaying images of various parts of the body for treatment (Tomà et al., 2021). Examples of radiology found in healthcare sectors are CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds (Morris et al., 2018). Radiology has enabled early…

  • Performance Appraisals in Healthcare Settings

    Performance appraisal is an annual examination of the results of the personnel’s performance that provides the chance to find the methods to improve operations and understand the role of each member in the organization. Although the purposes of this assessment are honorable, it often fails to follow this strategy. It makes some management experts question…

  • Healthcare Delivery Models in Germany, the UK, and the US

    Healthcare delivery system models are popular and are influenced by several factors, including financing, efficiency levels, and the significance of healthcare. These models have the objective of enabling citizens to receive quality healthcare services at a cost-effective rate. There are four major healthcare delivery models: the national health insurance model, the Bismarck model, the Beveridge,…