Category: Health Promotion

  • Healthy Lifestyle Promotion and Its Evaluation

    Table of Contents Evaluation Plan Methods Data Analysis Project Dissemination References Evaluation Plan The main purpose of this project is to assess the importance of the promotion of healthy lifestyles by nursing professionals via educational programs for patients, their families, and communities. The following clinical question was formulated to guide this project: In a group…

  • Health Promotion and Students’ Well-Being Critique

    Table of Contents The health issue and the intervention The methodology used in the study Assessment of the organization and focus of the study materials The argument presented in the study and supporting evidence The audience for the article The study results The applications, recommendations, or implications The relevance of the article Information missing from…

  • Health Disparities and Health Promotion in Vulnerable Populations

    Introduction Health disparities among the different populations pose a great threat to the progress of all countries in spite of their constant effort to minimize them. Reasonable access to health care has become very critical because of this. In the USA, even though it is the most developed country in the world, health disparities in…

  • Health Promotion in the Preschoolers

    An intervention is a means to health change. It is planned and targets a specific group such as the preschool children involved in the study. The study targets, eating and activity habits that are linked to the inappropriate weight gain, formed in early childhood. This study also targets health promotion as a process to make…

  • Health Promotion Program Based on the Healthy People 2020 Target Objectives

    Target Objective The vision of the Healthy People 2020 program is to develop “societies whereby all people live long, healthy lives” (Healthy People 2020, 2017, para. 2). In order to achieve this vision, the Healthy People 2020 project is guided by various goals or objectives that must be achieved. The selected objective for this discussion…

  • “Let’s Move” Program for Healthy Lifestyle Promotion

    Table of Contents Introduction Description of an initial program Legislators involved in the policy development The role of the APRN Influence of the policy on a clinical practice Usage of the policy by interprofessional teams Conclusion References Introduction The burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is known to be increasing nationwide in the United States.…

  • Nurses’ Role in Health Promotion: Systematic Review

    Table of Contents Introduction Relevance Levels of Evidence Clarity Results and Implications Conclusion References Introduction It is imperative to note that the role of nurses in health promotion has been increasing over the years, and some of the interventions are viewed as incredibly efficient. It is understandable that health care providers have a broad range…

  • Smoking and Health Promotion in the UK

    Introduction There is no doubt that most people in the world (especially those who live in developed countries) know that smoking is harmful to health. They know that it may lead to the development of cancer and painful death. Despite this awareness, the level of smoking remains high in many countries in the world and…

  • Aesthetic Approach to Health Promotion Intervention

    Introduction Cancer correlates negatively with the quality of life Cancer carries strong emotional burden 10% of the patients have anxiety (Bosman et al., 2020). 20% of the patients have depression (Bosman et al., 2020). An artistic approach contributes to patients’ well-being Purpose Statement Discuss the impact of cancer on psychology Identify the primary stressors of…

  • Statistic for Public Health Promotion Interventions

    Statistics are directly relevant to the planning of health promotion interventions because they are paramount for identifying the groups that need such interventions in the first place. Learning more about a given group is actually one of the main uses of statistics in public health (Bruce, Pope, & Stanistreet, 2018). For example, if one aims…